NPD - I Love It When Things Work Out


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
The FedEx guy showed up as promised yesterday, dropping off a couple of tubes...and new pickups. I grabbed a set of the Mark Holcomb Alpha and Omega pickups in 7-string flavor. I like how they sound in the Holcomb SE, so this seemed like a good plan.

Got everything gathered together, and I realized I didn't have a new set of strings. Could have sworn that I did, but if there is a set here, I couldn't find them (that's what she said). Work postponed for a trip to GC...and Chick-Fil-A. Get home, pop in the new Doug Stanhope CD.

And then...go time.


Based on others' experiences, I knew enough to be careful about the wire colors and such. Once I started testing everything, I thought I had something wrong with the neck pup - that the coil tap wasn't working. Changed some wiring, but it didn't affect anything, so I put it back the way I had it originally.


You'll notice the fancy blue painter's tape to indicate the bridge wire. Just for future reference.

String up the D'Addario NYXL set I bought (heard a few people here talk about them, so I grabbed a set because GC didn't have my preferred Elixirs in 7s). Plug into the Smokey Deluxe amp to test! We have a winner! I almost felt like a manly man! Used tools and everything!!!


And then it was time for the Penguins game (West coast, so it was a tad later than planned), so I didn't get to play it through the big amp until today.

Color me impressed. This thing sounded good before - it sounds great now. I didn't get to record anything right before changing the pups, although I have something from about two months ago. I'll compare them when I get a chance, but I totally love the way this thing sounds now. There's a lot of clarity and a good bit of agression on hand with these pickups, but they clean up nicely, too. And the coil tap does work - I had it right after all!
Would love to hear some soundclips if you can find the time to record something :cool:

Wanted to throw a set of Alpha/Omega's in my SE7 but after learning the price I decided to settle on the Pegasus/Sentient (which were already on the very top of my budget). Definitely curious to see how they sound in an SE7.
That's brilliant!! I love the guitar, and great pickup choice! I still have a set of the custom shop 6 string version at home waiting for a guitar!

I wish I had the soldering skill and dexterity to change out pickups. I tried.... Once... on a McCarty Singlecut PS... Shortly thereafter, the guitar found its way to PTC to fix my mess....
