NGD Holcomb 6


New Member
Nov 21, 2019
My Holcomb 6 came into my local dealer today so obviously I went and picked it up lol, I initially was going to get the 7 but decided to hold off and see if they ever come out with a core 7.

So the verdict, I am very impressed. Plays extremely well and sounds fantastic!!! Not quite as responsive as my core custom 24 but that is to be expected. Especially considering the Holcomb has high output pups vs the 59/09’s in my 24 but the Holcomb isn’t too far off. Obviously much more low end but again expected especially when you take into account it comes shipped in drop c. So anyone on the fence I say go ahead and pull the trigger. It is a GREAT metal guitar that can do more than just the brootalz.
I think I got it lol
I can’t knock it at all, it’s been years since I bought a new guitar. Last time was in 2014 when I got my custom 24, in that time I have played lots of import guitars from various companies and this is definitely top notch!!! Definitely on par with many American company guitars. If you like metal or shred these pickups are really good. Very articulate regardless of chord voicing.