NGD-408 Standard


Respect The Clave
Jun 1, 2014
Austin, Texas
One basic new 2013 bought yesterday at the Dallas Guitar Show(at my self imposed price limit) from The Guitar Sanctuary.


Nice looking guitar, play it in good health. As one who's only played a CU24 about 15 years ago, I know I MUST start checking out the all the core model. My SE ZM won't be the only PRS I ever own
Congrats, and welcome to Club 408 Standard!

Awesome guitars.
A simple elegance to that one. Well done and congrats. Bet it sounds fantastic.
Thanks everyone.

For me, this guitar fits right in the 'tool kit' with my other ones. So well in fact, that I'm selling both my black '92 clapton strat and '94 '57 vintage white reissue on reverb dot com.

Who needs 'em when I have the 'Core 4'
Way to go! I got one just like it! I played several maple tops and standards when shopping for mine. I've decided the 408's sound incredible in the all hog guitar. Mine is my main number one and is getting some natural wear that looks pretty cool.
I've never tried a 408 but that narrow field neck pickup looks like a perfect idea. If I'm ever in the market for another core, I'd definitely look into a 408. That color is beautiful.