Fullmoon 1971
Werewolf, there wolf, there castle
So some of you may have seen my post in @Boze-63 New Bernie owner – mods in the works thread. Where I order a third Bernie only to lose out on it.
Long story - don't be afriad to jump to the pictures
After seeing Boze's beautiful satin neck Bernie and having some money left over from the xmas highjacking's, I had a trawl around the usual suspects. On Reverb there was a Dark Cherry Burst satin neck Bernie that looked almost mint, 30 seconds later she was mine or so I thought. A day after I paid for her, I get a message from the seller, saying that he's decided not to sell the guitar after all and has issued a refund.
So I was hacked off but there was a mint condition Fredrik Akesson SE on Evilbay. I have been meaning to locate one for years and this was cheaper than the Bernie (not overly keen on the colour – but what body wraps are for). So I finally get my refund (3 days later) and order the Akkerson.
The day of delivery comes and goes, so I contact the seller to enquire only for them to say that They had already privately sold it after I'd already paid for it, although they still accepted my paypal transfer.
I ask for my refund only for them to say that I'd have to contact Paypal as they didn't know how to do a refund. After a few heated email's I finally decide “#### this” and drop the bombshell by informing them that my step daughter will be handling matters from now on through her law firm. Within a hour I'm informed by Ebay that I have my refund though it will take 3 working days to reach my card due to their policy changes.
The upside of all this is that while this was happening a virtually mint 2012 Bernie came up for sale on Reverb, a little back and forth contact with the seller and she's mine. She arrived this morning and is freakin beautiful, my pictures really don't it justice. The seller had it pro setup just before selling, so I only needed to lower the action to my heights.
May I present my 2012 Bernie
And a group shout showing her with new sisters
She looks a little darker in person but you get the general contrast
She plays like a dream and sounds fantastic (probably the best 245 pickups I've heard) I have noticed a couple differences between the 2011's & the 2012 - which I will detail after taking some measurements.
Long story - don't be afriad to jump to the pictures
After seeing Boze's beautiful satin neck Bernie and having some money left over from the xmas highjacking's, I had a trawl around the usual suspects. On Reverb there was a Dark Cherry Burst satin neck Bernie that looked almost mint, 30 seconds later she was mine or so I thought. A day after I paid for her, I get a message from the seller, saying that he's decided not to sell the guitar after all and has issued a refund.
So I was hacked off but there was a mint condition Fredrik Akesson SE on Evilbay. I have been meaning to locate one for years and this was cheaper than the Bernie (not overly keen on the colour – but what body wraps are for). So I finally get my refund (3 days later) and order the Akkerson.
The day of delivery comes and goes, so I contact the seller to enquire only for them to say that They had already privately sold it after I'd already paid for it, although they still accepted my paypal transfer.
I ask for my refund only for them to say that I'd have to contact Paypal as they didn't know how to do a refund. After a few heated email's I finally decide “#### this” and drop the bombshell by informing them that my step daughter will be handling matters from now on through her law firm. Within a hour I'm informed by Ebay that I have my refund though it will take 3 working days to reach my card due to their policy changes.
The upside of all this is that while this was happening a virtually mint 2012 Bernie came up for sale on Reverb, a little back and forth contact with the seller and she's mine. She arrived this morning and is freakin beautiful, my pictures really don't it justice. The seller had it pro setup just before selling, so I only needed to lower the action to my heights.
May I present my 2012 Bernie

And a group shout showing her with new sisters

She looks a little darker in person but you get the general contrast
She plays like a dream and sounds fantastic (probably the best 245 pickups I've heard) I have noticed a couple differences between the 2011's & the 2012 - which I will detail after taking some measurements.
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