NGD – 2 False starts and a winner

Fullmoon 1971

Werewolf, there wolf, there castle
Jun 24, 2015
United Kingdon
So some of you may have seen my post in @Boze-63 New Bernie owner – mods in the works thread. Where I order a third Bernie only to lose out on it.

Long story - don't be afriad to jump to the pictures
After seeing Boze's beautiful satin neck Bernie and having some money left over from the xmas highjacking's, I had a trawl around the usual suspects. On Reverb there was a Dark Cherry Burst satin neck Bernie that looked almost mint, 30 seconds later she was mine or so I thought. A day after I paid for her, I get a message from the seller, saying that he's decided not to sell the guitar after all and has issued a refund.

So I was hacked off but there was a mint condition Fredrik Akesson SE on Evilbay. I have been meaning to locate one for years and this was cheaper than the Bernie (not overly keen on the colour – but what body wraps are for). So I finally get my refund (3 days later) and order the Akkerson.

The day of delivery comes and goes, so I contact the seller to enquire only for them to say that They had already privately sold it after I'd already paid for it, although they still accepted my paypal transfer.

I ask for my refund only for them to say that I'd have to contact Paypal as they didn't know how to do a refund. After a few heated email's I finally decide “#### this” and drop the bombshell by informing them that my step daughter will be handling matters from now on through her law firm. Within a hour I'm informed by Ebay that I have my refund though it will take 3 working days to reach my card due to their policy changes.

The upside of all this is that while this was happening a virtually mint 2012 Bernie came up for sale on Reverb, a little back and forth contact with the seller and she's mine. She arrived this morning and is freakin beautiful, my pictures really don't it justice. The seller had it pro setup just before selling, so I only needed to lower the action to my heights.

May I present my 2012 Bernie

And a group shout showing her with new sisters


She looks a little darker in person but you get the general contrast

She plays like a dream and sounds fantastic (probably the best 245 pickups I've heard) I have noticed a couple differences between the 2011's & the 2012 - which I will detail after taking some measurements.
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I love Bernies. They are the fanciest version of an SE245, which I adore. But that’s not why…short story.

PRS Experience 2009? My first Exp. It’s all very overwhelming so the senses are on overload. We’re walking into the main factory floor and the first table on the right has this one guitar on display. Hadn’t seen one nor heard about it so I was clueless. Walked up to the table to check it out when up pops (like magically from under the table) this rotund, Rosie-cheeked gentleman that smiled hugely and just beamed. “Hi guys, have you seen my guitar?” He said with an educated British accent. “No sir, but I want to know all about it” I said. He smiled even bigger and with all the enthusiasm of a 7 year old on Christmas Day, explained every design aspect of the Bernie Marsden model. I didn’t have a clue who he was. When done I oo’ed and ah’ed over everything out of respect and thanked him for the tour. In parting he said, “I’m playing at the front tent later, come listen to how good the guitar sounds!”. I promised I would, shook hands in a genuine and warm goodbye. Walked away thinking, I don’t know who he is, but I want to go have drinks with him and hang out…I love his enthusiasm.”

Much later in the day, I kept my promise and went to the demo tent to hear him play. As they intro’ed him, I quickly realized who he was and his amazing writing credits. Then he played “Here I go Again” to a backing track and my jaw hit the floor. I was fairly close, standing off to the side where he noticed me, so he turned, looked at me a couple of times, grinned ear to ear and pointed to the guitar, like, “this is it…doesn’t it rock?!”. It indeed did.

I ran over to the merch line after his performance, got to talk to him again - this time like we were old buddies - and bought everything he was selling. I thanked him with, “thanks Mr. Marsden” but he quickly corrected me, “Bernie, call me Bernie.” I introduced myself as well. “See you around the show, Kerry. Thank you!”. Holy f’in sh@t…Bernie Marsden called me by my name and thanked me for buying his stuff. Are you freakin’ kidding me??!!

Humble, happy, enjoying life, and a great human being. What a fortunate series of events to cross his path. Lucky me.
Nice score, and collection!
Fwiw, I owned a Fredrik Akesson SE around 2017. Really wanted to love it, but it had issues that I just couldn't resolve. (not to brag, but I've done set ups, mods & repairs on hundreds of guitars & basses. I'm no pro, but I'm pretty good at it...)
Any, research showed that certain issues were common on that model, so off it went. Point is, it might be a good thing you didn't end up with that one...
I love Bernies. They are the fanciest version of an SE245, which I adore. But that’s not why…short story.

PRS Experience 2009? My first Exp. It’s all very overwhelming so the senses are on overload. We’re walking into the main factory floor and the first table on the right has this one guitar on display. Hadn’t seen one nor heard about it so I was clueless. Walked up to the table to check it out when up pops (like magically from under the table) this rotund, Rosie-cheeked gentleman that smiled hugely and just beamed. “Hi guys, have you seen my guitar?” He said with an educated British accent. “No sir, but I want to know all about it” I said. He smiled even bigger and with all the enthusiasm of a 7 year old on Christmas Day, explained every design aspect of the Bernie Marsden model. I didn’t have a clue who he was. When done I oo’ed and ah’ed over everything out of respect and thanked him for the tour. In parting he said, “I’m playing at the front tent later, come listen to how good the guitar sounds!”. I promised I would, shook hands in a genuine and warm goodbye. Walked away thinking, I don’t know who he is, but I want to go have drinks with him and hang out…I love his enthusiasm.”

Much later in the day, I kept my promise and went to the demo tent to hear him play. As they intro’ed him, I quickly realized who he was and his amazing writing credits. Then he played “Here I go Again” to a backing track and my jaw hit the floor. I was fairly close, standing off to the side where he noticed me, so he turned, looked at me a couple of times, grinned ear to ear and pointed to the guitar, like, “this is it…doesn’t it rock?!”. It indeed did.

I ran over to the merch line after his performance, got to talk to him again - this time like we were old buddies - and bought everything he was selling. I thanked him with, “thanks Mr. Marsden” but he quickly corrected me, “Bernie, call me Bernie.” I introduced myself as well. “See you around the show, Kerry. Thank you!”. Holy f’in sh@t…Bernie Marsden called me by my name and thanked me for buying his stuff. Are you freakin’ kidding me??!!

Humble, happy, enjoying life, and a great human being. What a fortunate series of events to cross his path. Lucky me.
Thanks guys she really is a keeper.

She will be getting a few mods (I have all the parts already just need to fit them) =
Headstock face overlay = not sure if it will have Bernie's signature like her sisters or the silver Paul Reed Smith like the werewolf guitar.
Gotoh SD90 machines heads
Custom TRC
A new nut - actually thinking of a black core nut instead of bone this time
Core wraparound tailpiece - have one but may get the one with brass inserts
Complete rewire and Russian (NATO Spec) Spraque Hyrel PIO .022 Capacitor
I build my own pickups so am thinking of 2 x low wind humbuckers somewhere in the 7.2k - 7.6k range
Not sure if I should amber lampshade or bell knobs

The main reasons to own 3 Bernies are:

I'm a guitar addict and pro musician (at the end of 2018 I owned over 200 guitars but have managed to streamline it down to 86).

Bernies in amy opinion are probably the best value for money guitars out there of any brand or price range. When I got my first one I sold off two gibsons (custom shop 58 & a LP Custom) I will go so far as to say that on most days I will favour one of my Bernie's over any of my other guitars which also includes 4 core models.

Each of my Bernie's are modified to be unique, I tend to use my own handmade pickups when I can.
Lemondrop Burst = a pair of PRS McCarty pickups from a 1999 model
Honey Burst = Home made models which are a cross between the sound of the Beast but with a historically accurate reverse wound neck pickup like Peter Green's Les Paul
Tabbaco Burst = She will also get a set of home made pickups - probably low wind / low output somewhere in the vain of Duane Allmans "Hotlanta" Les Paul

Thats a great story, Yeah Bernie's a terrific guy to be around, I will have know him for 34 years come this june and I'd like to think we have become good friends (Him and Fran came to stay with me back in 2002 & 2003 for the UP HELLY AHH festival and the Folk festival respectively when I lived in the Shetland Isles (most get the photo's digitized). I will hold my hands up and say that even though I am friends with the man, I resisted getting his model at first, to be honest I resisted all PRS guitars except for the 2001 McCarty when it came out but didn't end up owning until 2018 (That's story all in itself) I was a dyed in the wool Gibson fanatic - PRS's were just not my thing - bodies were too thin, scale length neither one nor the other and I saw the singlecuts as rip off's until the lawsuit made me evaluate things differently.

Fast foward to 2013 and it was Bernie's wife Fran who actually started my current addiction with his model. He was doing one of his famous gigs (more anidotes than songs) in manchester and had left backstage passes for me and the missus to go and see them, then we were going to grab a meal together (fran was also with him), while we were sat backstage chatting and having a couple of drinks Fran turns to me and says jokingly "You've known each other for years and if you don't get one of his guitars he's gonna be real upset - then they both burst out laughing) My other half just looked and me and winked, so I picked the guitar up and It felt like I'd known it all my playing life - a perfect fit. I started playing the old blues standards and then Launched into a song called "Workin for the CSA" that he'd recorded and bernie starts singing it, by the end of it everyone in the was laughing and joking and I'd found my new partner in crime (Just needed to track one down). As luck would have it I would chance upon a 2011 within 2 days of this fateful night and it's the main guitar I use to this day. my 2011 Honey Burst "Trouble"

Bernie would also be responsible for me owing the nicest Les Paul I've ever played. He knows the guitars I like and a couple of days before my birthday in 2014 he was doing a gig in Manchester and said he was going to stop by and see the family on the way to the gig.

The day arrives and he and fran appear on the doorstep (Fran doesn't usually do the gig circuit but she said she wanted to see Maria, my missus and Peter my son) We have a great couple of hours laughing and joking and Bernie giving my son a guitar lession, then just as they were leaving Fran says "you haven't given him his gift" He then goes out to his car and comes back in with a guitar sized wrapped box. So while I'm unwrapping it I'm thinking "okay so he's got me another Bernie" however the case was a Gibson case and inside was a guitar that like my Bernie's stays by my side no matter what. A 2014 Honeyburst Les Paul Traditional that has become known by everyone as "Precious" - But I NNNNNEEEEEDDDDDZZZZ it.

I know it's Sacrilege but may I present "Precious"
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Thanks guys she really is a keeper.

She will be getting a few mods (I have all the parts already just need to fit them) =
Headstock face overlay = not sure if it will have Bernie's signature like her sisters or the silver Paul Reed Smith like the werewolf guitar.
Gotoh SD90 machines heads
Custom TRC
A new nut - actually thinking of a black core nut instead of bone this time
Core wraparound tailpiece - have one but may get the one with brass inserts
Complete rewire and Russian (NATO Spec) Spraque Hyrel PIO .022 Capacitor
I build my own pickups so am thinking of 2 x low wind humbuckers somewhere in the 7.2k - 7.6k range
Not sure if I should amber lampshade or bell knobs

The main reasons to own 3 Bernies are:

I'm a guitar addict and pro musician (at the end of 2018 I owned over 200 guitars but have managed to streamline it down to 86).

Bernies in amy opinion are probably the best value for money guitars out there of any brand or price range. When I got my first one I sold off two gibsons (custom shop 58 & a LP Custom) I will go so far as to say that on most days I will favour one of my Bernie's over any of my other guitars which also includes 4 core models.

Each of my Bernie's are modified to be unique, I tend to use my own handmade pickups when I can.
Lemondrop Burst = a pair of PRS McCarty pickups from a 1999 model
Honey Burst = Home Made models which are a cross between the sound of the Beast but with a historically accurate reverse wound neck pickup like Peter Green's Les Paul
Tabbaco Burst = She will also get a set of homemade pickups - probably low wind / low output somewhere in the vain of Duane Allmans "Hotlanta" Les Paul

Thats a great story, Yeah Bernie's a terrific guy to be around, I will have know him for 34 years come this june and I'd like to think we have become good friends (Him and Fran came to stay with me back in 2002 & 2003 for the UP HELLY AHH festival and the Folk festival respectively when I lived in the Shetland Isles (most get the photo's digitized). I will hold my hands up and say that even though I was friends with the man, I resisted getting his model at first, to be honest I resisted all PRS guitars except for the 2001 McCarty when it came out but didn't end up owning until 2018 (That's story all in itself) I was a dyed in the wool Gibson fanatic - PRS's were just not my thing - bodies were too thin, scale length neither one nor the other and I saw the singlecuts as rip off until the lawsuit made me evaluate things differently.

Fast foward to 2013 and it was Bernie's wife Fran who actually started my current addiction with his model. He was doing one of his famous gigs (more anidotes than songs) in manchester and had left backstage passes for me and the missus to go and see them, then we were going to grab a meal together (fran was also with him), while we were sat backstage chatting and having a couple of drinks Fran turns to me and says jokingly "You've known each other for years and if you get one of his guitars he's gonna be real upset - then they both burst out laughing) My other half just looked and me and winked, so I picked the guitar up and It felt like I'd own it all my playing life - a perfect fit. I started playing the old blues standards and then Launched into a song called "Workin for the CSA" that he'd recorded and bernie starts singing it, by the end of it everyone in the was laughing and joking and I'd found my new partner in crime (Just needed to track one down). As luck would have it I would chance upon a 2011 within 2 days of this fateful night and the main guitar I use to this day. 2011 Honey Burst "Trouble"

Bernie would also be responsible for me owing the nicest Les Paul I've ever played. (I've had the chance to play the BEAST but always turned it down) Too scared I'd either damage it or completely fall for something I could never own. He knows the guitars I like and a couple of days before my birthday in 2014 he was doing a gig in Manchester and said he was going stop by and see the family on the way to the gig.

The day arrives and he and fran appear on the doorstep (Fran doesn't usually do the gig circuit but she said she wanted to see Maria, my missus and Peter my son) We have a great couple of hours laughing and joking and Bernie giving my son a guitar lession, then just as they were leaving Fran says "you haven't given him his gift" He then goes out to his car and comes back in with a guitar sized wrapped box. So while I'm unwrapping it I'm thinking "okay so he's got me another Bernie" however the case was a Gibson case and inside was a guitar that like my Bernie's stays by my side no matter what. A 2014 Honeyburst Les Paul Traditional that has become known by everyone as "Precious" - But I NNNNNEEEEEDDDDDZZZZ it.

I know it's Sacrilege but may I present "Precious"
Just…wow. Very, very cool.
I love Bernies. They are the fanciest version of an SE245, which I adore. But that’s not why…short story.

PRS Experience 2009? My first Exp. It’s all very overwhelming so the senses are on overload. We’re walking into the main factory floor and the first table on the right has this one guitar on display. Hadn’t seen one nor heard about it so I was clueless. Walked up to the table to check it out when up pops (like magically from under the table) this rotund, Rosie-cheeked gentleman that smiled hugely and just beamed. “Hi guys, have you seen my guitar?” He said with an educated British accent. “No sir, but I want to know all about it” I said. He smiled even bigger and with all the enthusiasm of a 7 year old on Christmas Day, explained every design aspect of the Bernie Marsden model. I didn’t have a clue who he was. When done I oo’ed and ah’ed over everything out of respect and thanked him for the tour. In parting he said, “I’m playing at the front tent later, come listen to how good the guitar sounds!”. I promised I would, shook hands in a genuine and warm goodbye. Walked away thinking, I don’t know who he is, but I want to go have drinks with him and hang out…I love his enthusiasm.”

Much later in the day, I kept my promise and went to the demo tent to hear him play. As they intro’ed him, I quickly realized who he was and his amazing writing credits. Then he played “Here I go Again” to a backing track and my jaw hit the floor. I was fairly close, standing off to the side where he noticed me, so he turned, looked at me a couple of times, grinned ear to ear and pointed to the guitar, like, “this is it…doesn’t it rock?!”. It indeed did.

I ran over to the merch line after his performance, got to talk to him again - this time like we were old buddies - and bought everything he was selling. I thanked him with, “thanks Mr. Marsden” but he quickly corrected me, “Bernie, call me Bernie.” I introduced myself as well. “See you around the show, Kerry. Thank you!”. Holy f’in sh@t…Bernie Marsden called me by my name and thanked me for buying his stuff. Are you freakin’ kidding me??!!

Humble, happy, enjoying life, and a great human being. What a fortunate series of events to cross his path. Lucky me.

That is seriously one of the best stories I've heard here! That is SO cool!
I love Bernies. They are the fanciest version of an SE245, which I adore. But that’s not why…short story.

PRS Experience 2009? My first Exp. It’s all very overwhelming so the senses are on overload. We’re walking into the main factory floor and the first table on the right has this one guitar on display. Hadn’t seen one nor heard about it so I was clueless. Walked up to the table to check it out when up pops (like magically from under the table) this rotund, Rosie-cheeked gentleman that smiled hugely and just beamed. “Hi guys, have you seen my guitar?” He said with an educated British accent. “No sir, but I want to know all about it” I said. He smiled even bigger and with all the enthusiasm of a 7 year old on Christmas Day, explained every design aspect of the Bernie Marsden model. I didn’t have a clue who he was. When done I oo’ed and ah’ed over everything out of respect and thanked him for the tour. In parting he said, “I’m playing at the front tent later, come listen to how good the guitar sounds!”. I promised I would, shook hands in a genuine and warm goodbye. Walked away thinking, I don’t know who he is, but I want to go have drinks with him and hang out…I love his enthusiasm.”

Much later in the day, I kept my promise and went to the demo tent to hear him play. As they intro’ed him, I quickly realized who he was and his amazing writing credits. Then he played “Here I go Again” to a backing track and my jaw hit the floor. I was fairly close, standing off to the side where he noticed me, so he turned, looked at me a couple of times, grinned ear to ear and pointed to the guitar, like, “this is it…doesn’t it rock?!”. It indeed did.

I ran over to the merch line after his performance, got to talk to him again - this time like we were old buddies - and bought everything he was selling. I thanked him with, “thanks Mr. Marsden” but he quickly corrected me, “Bernie, call me Bernie.” I introduced myself as well. “See you around the show, Kerry. Thank you!”. Holy f’in sh@t…Bernie Marsden called me by my name and thanked me for buying his stuff. Are you freakin’ kidding me??!!

Humble, happy, enjoying life, and a great human being. What a fortunate series of events to cross his path. Lucky me.
Cool Story!
Thanks guys she really is a keeper.

She will be getting a few mods (I have all the parts already just need to fit them) =
Headstock face overlay = not sure if it will have Bernie's signature like her sisters or the silver Paul Reed Smith like the werewolf guitar.
Gotoh SD90 machines heads
Custom TRC
A new nut - actually thinking of a black core nut instead of bone this time
Core wraparound tailpiece - have one but may get the one with brass inserts
Complete rewire and Russian (NATO Spec) Spraque Hyrel PIO .022 Capacitor
I build my own pickups so am thinking of 2 x low wind humbuckers somewhere in the 7.2k - 7.6k range
Not sure if I should amber lampshade or bell knobs

The main reasons to own 3 Bernies are:

I'm a guitar addict and pro musician (at the end of 2018 I owned over 200 guitars but have managed to streamline it down to 86).

Bernies in amy opinion are probably the best value for money guitars out there of any brand or price range. When I got my first one I sold off two gibsons (custom shop 58 & a LP Custom) I will go so far as to say that on most days I will favour one of my Bernie's over any of my other guitars which also includes 4 core models.

Each of my Bernie's are modified to be unique, I tend to use my own handmade pickups when I can.
Lemondrop Burst = a pair of PRS McCarty pickups from a 1999 model
Honey Burst = Home Made models which are a cross between the sound of the Beast but with a historically accurate reverse wound neck pickup like Peter Green's Les Paul
Tabbaco Burst = She will also get a set of homemade pickups - probably low wind / low output somewhere in the vain of Duane Allmans "Hotlanta" Les Paul

Thats a great story, Yeah Bernie's a terrific guy to be around, I will have know him for 34 years come this june and I'd like to think we have become good friends (Him and Fran came to stay with me back in 2002 & 2003 for the UP HELLY AHH festival and the Folk festival respectively when I lived in the Shetland Isles (most get the photo's digitized). I will hold my hands up and say that even though I was friends with the man, I resisted getting his model at first, to be honest I resisted all PRS guitars except for the 2001 McCarty when it came out but didn't end up owning until 2018 (That's story all in itself) I was a dyed in the wool Gibson fanatic - PRS's were just not my thing - bodies were too thin, scale length neither one nor the other and I saw the singlecuts as rip off until the lawsuit made me evaluate things differently.

Fast foward to 2013 and it was Bernie's wife Fran who actually started my current addiction with his model. He was doing one of his famous gigs (more anidotes than songs) in manchester and had left backstage passes for me and the missus to go and see them, then we were going to grab a meal together (fran was also with him), while we were sat backstage chatting and having a couple of drinks Fran turns to me and says jokingly "You've known each other for years and if you get one of his guitars he's gonna be real upset - then they both burst out laughing) My other half just looked and me and winked, so I picked the guitar up and It felt like I'd own it all my playing life - a perfect fit. I started playing the old blues standards and then Launched into a song called "Workin for the CSA" that he'd recorded and bernie starts singing it, by the end of it everyone in the was laughing and joking and I'd found my new partner in crime (Just needed to track one down). As luck would have it I would chance upon a 2011 within 2 days of this fateful night and the main guitar I use to this day. 2011 Honey Burst "Trouble"

Bernie would also be responsible for me owing the nicest Les Paul I've ever played. (I've had the chance to play the BEAST but always turned it down) Too scared I'd either damage it or completely fall for something I could never own. He knows the guitars I like and a couple of days before my birthday in 2014 he was doing a gig in Manchester and said he was going stop by and see the family on the way to the gig.

The day arrives and he and fran appear on the doorstep (Fran doesn't usually do the gig circuit but she said she wanted to see Maria, my missus and Peter my son) We have a great couple of hours laughing and joking and Bernie giving my son a guitar lession, then just as they were leaving Fran says "you haven't given him his gift" He then goes out to his car and comes back in with a guitar sized wrapped box. So while I'm unwrapping it I'm thinking "okay so he's got me another Bernie" however the case was a Gibson case and inside was a guitar that like my Bernie's stays by my side no matter what. A 2014 Honeyburst Les Paul Traditional that has become known by everyone as "Precious" - But I NNNNNEEEEEDDDDDZZZZ it.

I know it's Sacrilege but may I present "Precious"
Way cool!