Man, Paco and I had a fun weekend with the Norovirus.


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
It’s going around, watch out!

The greatest gift of parenting is the non-stop sickness of a kindergartener. I swear, I’ve been sick 80 of the 100 days dude has been in school. If I can breathe through both nostrils for more than four days at a time, I start to get anxious.

But… Ooooohhh man… I never had this before. Ermahferkingerd I feel spit roasted!

Lol! If you leave the house for anything, wash your hands. And then wash them again.
Sorry to hear this dude, that is the worst.

I remember a number of years ago, Mrs AR and I had a really horrible dose of it. The one who could walk looked after the other one.

Hope you and the little dude get better soon brother.
Oof! Yeah, thanks.

We’re both eating again, and we took it in stride, but.. yowzah! We spent two days as sprinkler heads, and then the last week eating saltines and drinking Gatorade.
Yep, never good when you have to sit on the loo with a bowl underneath your chin!:eek:

We only drank full fat coke. It came as advice from friends who used to canoe. If they capsized, they drank a full can to kill off any water bugs they had swallowed!

Don’t know what’s in it, but it helped to kill off the bugs we had!

Glad to hear you’re both in the mend.
I feel your pain! It’s so hard when you have kids in the house, I’ve never been so sick in my life.

We had two terrible bouts of illness pass through our house this winter, a stomach bug right before Christmas, and Influenza A at the end of January. We had to have a raging snowstorm each time, so of course I wasn’t able to go clear the driveway and sidewalks.

Believe it or not, it is actually getting better overall, those were bad ones but the frequency of sickness has gone down. Our little dude is 2 now, and both he and his older sister seemed to get a more robust immune system at that age.

Wishing a fast recovery to you all.
Ouch, yeah. That is a b*tch. Actually had it three times in the first two years of my jr going to kindergarten. When she got it I knew I followed 2 days later. Nothing you can do about it if you have to change diapers.
It’s going around, watch out!

The greatest gift of parenting is the non-stop sickness of a kindergartener. I swear, I’ve been sick 80 of the 100 days dude has been in school. If I can breathe through both nostrils for more than four days at a time, I start to get anxious.

But… Ooooohhh man… I never had this before. Ermahferkingerd I feel spit roasted!

Lol! If you leave the house for anything, wash your hands. And then wash them again.
Little kids are just walking Petri dishes.

My grandson is doing the same to his parents. He started daycare last August and other than the week they were here they've all been sick with a variety of viruses. Their pediatrician told them it takes about 9 months to build up all of the antibodies again after wearing masks and working from home for the last three years. Max has shared Covid with my wife and RSV with his parents, but luckily he hasn't been as sick as them.
Man, sorry to that but glad you're on the mend.

When my kids hit school, good lord the diseases that got passed around. We got it so bad from one of those play places one year I ended up getting an IV in the ER. On the plus side, my pirouettes were never better than after that - you learn to do it very well when you have to change which way you face the toilet in a big hurry.
Lol! If you leave the house for anything, wash your hands. And then wash them again.
Yup, ever since covid, I've been addicted to Purell Sanitizer. I have it in my car, home, pocket, anywhere I can stash it. I slather it on constantly, and always after I touch something out in the wild.

Feel better soon, and don't forget high daily doses of zinc, C, echinacea, and a potent multi.

: an organism (such as an insect child) that transmits a pathogen from one organism or source to another

1) Our vector started school last week and now the entire family is sick.
2) Keep that little vector off my lawn!
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