Just got used SE Custom22 off Craigslist, and have several questions............


New Member
Nov 23, 2013
Hi guys, first-time poster here. A few days ago, on a wild-hair whim, I traded a gorgeous and perfectly good Squier Classic Vibe tele for an SE Custom22. After speaking on the phone,we had a tentative deal set up for the next day, so I had a little time to research it, but still have a couple questions I was hoping y'all could help me with.
I've never owned any PRS's, though my brother has been through several "real" PRS's, so I've toyed with them a bit.
The serial number on this one begins with an "H", which from what I've dug up, means an '07 manufactur date. That correct?
As I understand, I have the "grey/black" version, but I swear, this looks green to my eye , but my brother is telling me I'm nuts. I even sent some pics to a freind and asked him, and he wrote back, "looks green to me". I don't believe these were ever made in any green tints, right? Does anyone else see these as a greenish color? Even the one's I'm seeing on Ebay look green to me.
I'm also wondering if I have a mahogany or maple neck? Most info I find seems to say it's mahogany, but I've read some stuff that makes me suspect it could be maple (it's all covered with a gloss black finish.)
Also, this guitar has some Grover 18-1 tuners on it (with black knobs), but I believe these must have been added by a previous owner. Is that correct?
And I'm wondering if the tremelo is able to be easily locked-out? I've only had it plugged in and played it once, and didn't seem to have any issues with my hand resting on the bridge and flexing the whammy, but I've always preferred to just lock these things out (on counteless Strats). Can I use a little block/wedge, or can I just add a spring or two and tighten the screws a little, and lock it down much like you would on a Strat?
Anyway, so far, I'm really loving this thing. I've pretty much been a single-coil, Strat/Tele guy for decades, but I'm digging the beefy responsiveness of these HB's.
Any info, advice, commentary at all is much appreciated...........
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Pics please.

Yes H is an 07. They are great guitars. I have one which is gray/black which is now green. Just about every one I've seen is green now and I think this has something to do with the clear coat. If you look at mine in bright light then it looks the right color but otherwise it looks Forrest/British Racing green. I blocked my trem by putting a small block of wood behind it and removing all but one spring.

The Grovers were added by some one.
If the pickups are original they should be zebra HFS/VB and they are just fine for most music out there.

Welcome to the boards and play the heck out of that thing.
We are not allowed to discuss actual dollar prices on this Forum, but if the guitars were in comparably the same condition, your just doubled your money.
Many thanks for the replies guys. I'd like to post a couple pics, but in "posting permissions" below, I see that I "may not post attachments", must be a new-member restriction? Besides, my computer-illiterate self probably couldn't figure it out anyway, LOL!
Thanks for the help guys, but I take computer ineptitude to new lows !!! I did join Photobucket, and without fully understanding how, I got the photo on there. After that, it was all greek to me. I'm gonna post this link and hope for the best, but I'm not optimistic. If it doesn't work, well, suffice it to say, "ya seen one SE, ya seen 'em all", LOL!!!
