Installing a Gen III trem on an SE Tremonti?


New Member
Oct 19, 2021
Land of taxes
About a month ago I took a chance and ordered a Tremonti Core and after a little time getting to know it, I am quite pleased. Other day I went out looking for a gut string and found an older Tremonti SE that had some upgrades (pickups and tuners). I like the feel of the Gen III bridge on my core, and considered doing that on the SE, but the website says its not compatible swap. How different is it dimension wise and has anyone done it or tried and failed?
The main thing about the Gen III is the massive pivot screws. You would need to use a drill press to open up the mounting holes.

I personally didn't notice anything special about the feel of the Gen III, and I've used all the variants over the years. Ain't a thing wrong with a non-Gen III Mann bridge, so I'd go that route.