I Felt A Great Disturbance In The Force As Though Millions Of Amps Suddenly Cried Out In Terror.

But it was only one amp crying out in terror because it read my mind: the Fillmore.

I had all the amps going today, and kinda felt like dialing them in very similarly. When I got where I wanted each amp to be set, it struck me that between the DG30 and the HXDA, I could do without the Fillmore. There are enough similarities based on how I set the Fillmore's two channels up.

I thought to myself, what if I sold the Fillmore and got myself a Komet? That'd be quite a different kettle of...um...tone.

Anyway, I was about to list it on reverb, and then I started putting in the description of the amp's perfect condition, and the custom ordered leather covering, and the carefully curated NOS tube complement, and I thought...no one's gonna give me anywhere near enough to make a deal make any sense at all, and I like the amp.

"Stop now before you regret it," I said to no one in particular.

"Put down the fingers and back away from the computer!"

So I stopped. The amp stopped sweating and breathed a sigh of relief that was audible throughout Studio Craptastic.

Oh, I could buy a Komet without a one-in-one-out deal. But there would be hell to pay >>> 👹.
If you find a Komet, you get to name it; or, so I've heard.
May I suggest naming it after 👹?
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Since I have more than 30 seconds of free time, I will take this opportunity to say for the thousandth time that I simply love the Fillmore 50. This amp is just perfect for someone musically undecided like myself; a true chameleon. It can go pristine clean, crunchy, and is responsive to the pick attack like nothing else I've ever tried before, or it can roar like a wildman when properly boosted. It fuses vintage tone with modern behaviour perfectly. It's amazing to have an amp so quick under a lot of distortion (Drive setting, with a booster), yet still have such clear and balanced tone. No scent of mushiness, all frequencies are perfectly balanced and not fighting with each other. The Custom 24, Chasetone Secret Preamp, and a Fillmore 50 would be all I ever need to play music, even if I had to limit myself to just one of each, and I wouldn't miss anything. Frankly, since my pedalboard is in a bit of a mess right now, I've been plugging in directly with no pedals for the past two months, and I really don't feel rushed to sort my board out. I know there are amps out there that do just fine or better, but I just don't feel the urge to change it. Never say never, but I may as well never part with this amp.
Since I have more than 30 seconds of free time, I will take this opportunity to say for the thousandth time that I simply love the Fillmore 50. This amp is just perfect for someone musically undecided like myself; a true chameleon. It can go pristine clean, crunchy, and is responsive to the pick attack like nothing else I've ever tried before, or it can roar like a wildman when properly boosted. It fuses vintage tone with modern behaviour perfectly. It's amazing to have an amp so quick under a lot of distortion (Drive setting, with a booster), yet still have such clear and balanced tone. No scent of mushiness, all frequencies are perfectly balanced and not fighting with each other.
Yes to all the above.

I blame GAS for this embarrassing thread.

If I'd taken Gear Beano before posting, it never woulda happened.
I agree!

I actually like the two PRS CAD amps best, always have. But with the EL34s, the Lone Star finally has two channels I like a lot.

I think the good thing about the Fillmore is that it's more of a chameleon, combining a variety of Tweed and traditional Mesa sounds in its own way. So it'd be a great gigging amp - if I still gigged. 🤣
I can do most anything I want with any of my guitars, and any of my amps. It'd be ideal for me to get down to one of each.

The intractable problem, of course, is to decide what to part with and what to keep. That's the only thing preventing me from achieving the one + one goal.
I can do most anything I want with any of my guitars, and any of my amps. It'd be ideal for me to get down to one of each.

The intractable problem, of course, is to decide what to part with and what to keep. That's the only thing preventing me from achieving the one + one goal.
You should settle in with your embarrassment of riches. :) You’re among the few who actually use them all, and have a profession for which they can rightly be called “tools of the trade.” Really, I think you’ve got the collection size about right… somewhere between more-than-I-need and all-I-could-manage.
I can do most anything I want with any of my guitars, and any of my amps. It'd be ideal for me to get down to one of each.

The intractable problem, of course, is to decide what to part with and what to keep. That's the only thing preventing me from achieving the one + one goal.
The Komet is calling you sir.
I can do most anything I want with any of my guitars, and any of my amps. It'd be ideal for me to get down to one of each.
There can be a big difference, especially professionally, between 'most anything' with one and 'everything' with a few.

No doubt you've also thought about what factors limit how many amps / guitars you want. For me it's space but lesser considerations are $, spousal approval, maintenance.

Or just ask the Marie Kondo question: Does it give you joy?
There can be a big difference, especially professionally, between 'most anything' with one and 'everything' with a few.
Having done what I do in music creation professionally and successfully for 33 years, many times with one guitar and one amp, I'm 100% sure that "most anything" works just fine 100% of the time.

Sometimes I want more than one choice. However, I don't think it's the sine qua non of good production, or even being a good guitarist on sessions.
Does it give you joy?
Not really.

It's something of an addiction more than a joy.