Headstock size over the years...


What? I get a title?
Mar 20, 2014
So recently I posted a photo in the PRS Family Photos thread, which I had just taken on the weekend, and I use the same photo as my desktop background at work. So I got to stare at it a lot this week, I guess.

Here it is, for reference (my desktop version is a higher resolution, of course):


While staring mindlessly at my screen thinking about something, I noticed that the headstock size seemed to vary across my various specimens. In particular, the 2002 Cu24 seemed to have a smaller headstock than the rest.

So last night I got out my calipers and took some measurements. I tried to be consistent in my method: calipers 90 deg to the neck, at top of headstock across the "horns" (which results in one horn having more caliper on it than the other).

My measurements were (fairly consistently +/- 0.005"):

2002 CU24 2.087"
2006 McCarty HB 2.112"
2013(?) SE Akerfeldt 2.163"
2014 SE MM 2.164"
2014 SE ZM 2.121"

That's a 0.077" range, or more than a 1/16th of an inch. Not huge in the grand scheme of things, but visually noticeable to me, at least.

I can understand the MM being a bit bigger, maybe, because of the longer scale length. Or I could understand the SEs having a different size from the core models as a "hidden" differentiating characteristic.

But it looks like they just got bigger over time, although the ZM, which I just got and is the most recently manufactured (AFAIK) is a fair bit smaller than the other SEs - almost the same size as the 2006 HB.

Anyone else notice this? Am I just too observational, and we should expect, and do experience obviously, a fair amount of variation due to the hand-finishing of these guitars, especially the Core models?

Just curious...
I've always noticed that an SE headstock is wider at the top than a USA model but I've never measured it. I'm surprised that the difference is so small though.