Ha! Peep this wonky sh!t.

Very nicely polished frets, too!!! :laugh:

Plus, the white tipped tremolo and black tipped toggle just go together like a white shirt under a tuxedo.
For reference, the bat in Sergio's first image that shows a bat is supposed to look like this (stolen from a random google image search - if this image URL goes stale, just google around):


Yeah, bad fake. Why bother? I can't believe this would be economical, but I guess it is...
Oh, and the turtledove bat is supposed to look like the bat in the lower left in this image (again, stolen from random Google image search):


Man, what a lousy job.
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No to mention that this would be the first SE I had seen with recessed "pits" for the volume / tone knob and three-way toggle.