Gibson player looking at possibly getting a PRS sometime this year

The DGT and the PS McCarty SC are the two most "LP" sounding PRS gtrs I have played. You can't go wrong with either one. The DGT STD is also an amazing gtr. Best bang-for-buck PRS in my opinion.
There is a used PRS Prism on Daves Guitar shop website for an okay price. Listening to some demos of this model, it sounds good to me and I like the style of flame top more than most flames (I know many can't stand the Prism top). Has anyone here owned/owns one of these?
I'm sure there are a few guys on here that have had them. I looked it up, nice price and like the specs...57/08 pickups..yummy
Just a side note...if the Prism is an Al Di model...(short for Al Dimeola), he was a Les Paul guy for a long time, and I'm sure there are many similarities between the two.
I know I keep jumping from model to model but I've been hearing people complaining about the S2 Cu24s, saying that the finish on them chips really easily. That could actually be a selling point for me since I like the look of a naturally worn guitar. Hmmm...
There is nothing wrong with the S2 but the 57/08s 59/09s 53/10s (now out of production) and the DGTs are as good as any humbuckers I've ever heard. The core models sound much better as a result. Couple this with the core model playability and you've got a winner.

I love my Les Paul for it's tone. I love my PRS because it sounds great, feels great and plays better than pretty much any other manufacturers guitar I've ever played.

Take your time with this purchase, it's worth it. I think the first thing you need to decide is what you want. Body shape, tone, scale length, it all makes a difference and PRS has something for everyone, you just need to find the one for you.
My local Rockshop does have about three core PRS that I've tried but didn't dig as much as that DGT. Not sure if their current selection is the same but I've tried guitars there so many times without buying that I'd feel kind of bad doing it unless I actually had the money to buy. I highly doubt they'd have a 30th Anniversary there. Honestly visiting GC and Sam Ash in NYC and L.A was amazing compared to what we have here...

Welcome to the forum. NEVER feel like you cannot spend as much time with a guitar as you need in order to make a buying decision. These things are very personal and you should not rush into anything or shortchange your wants. To do that, you're going to have to play them a while.

You said some sounded thin of didn't have enough harmonics. You need to try lots of different amps too while you are in the store. The tone you want might be in the amp you didn't try!

Good luck with your search!