First time post

Well howdy, Craig! What kinda PRS have you got/are you looking at getting?
Good evening everybody! Lee, I'm looking at an SE custom semi-hollow body, but I have questions about the authenticity. It looks like a real SE semi- hollow body, except the sound hole is not an F. Can I post as pic?
You're definitely in the right place, someone will probably know! I'm not sure, you might need to reach 10 posts first. There's a rules thread on the Forum homepage with some handy guidelines for that sort of thing.
There's a comment about waiting for 3 posts before I post a link. I think I've reached that with this one.
So, here's the body.
Wow, that is different! Almost like a Ric cat's eye. Wonder whether the previous owner had it done custom?
Don't know... All the details appear to be PRS - humbuckers, knobs, switch, bridge. tuning machines... don't know about the finish, though. Here's the back of the headstock
My son has one of those, that is genuine.
The new SE Custom 22 Semi-Hollows have the F hole on them now, as he now owns both.
That is definitely an authentic SE semi-hollow, first design. The Rickenbacker-style slash looks nice and is different from a typical f-hole, although I like those too. I've thought about buying one of these as a knock-around...
I concur. It is a SE Custom 22 Semi Hollow just like one I used to own, except mine had birds. But that one is very nice looking!