Duplicate Pedals?


New Member
Mar 21, 2014
Hi all.

Does anyone own 2 of the same pedal because they have 2 boards and don't want to keep moving it around?

I'm building a 2nd board and have realised I don't have enough 'spare' pedals to not cannibalise my main board.

Just wondering what people's "must have pedals" are that they would own more than one of?

I already have 2 TC Ditto loopers (mini & standard) but I think I might need to buy another Mesa Throttle Box. I realise it's not very economical but if the boards live in different places where swapping pedals isn't always possible...
I have two paddle boards one for home and one for band. I have found that having duplicate petals is best for me.

Boss tuner, Morley Bad Horsie wah as well as either a DD20 or Strymon Timeline.
I'm not a pedal guy but I would think some might like diff sounds on the same pedal and thus have two on same board with diff settings? Like the patches I use, but physical. Is this a thing?
I would not be at all surprised to see two identical analog delays on the same board (Carbon Copies!). It'd almost be worth it just to totally nail the "Runs Like Hell" echoes. I'm also tempted to get a second MXR 234 chorus because it has two really good tones I like that are a good twenty to thirty seconds of knob twisting apart.

To actually build a second board, I would have to go find another Saffron Squeeze compressor and Saucy Box OD. I always have one or the other on, and I am still really loving the Way Huge stuff, save for that Swollen Pickle fuzz that is still driving me nuts trying to find the one tone I liked on it when I first got it.

Well, and of course, a PolyTune 2.
Not on purpose, but I don't play out (yet). I definitely would be able to put an alternate pedal board together, but I would have to practice with both of them, because they would be made with different pedals, that's just how I work.
I have a pedal board for both my amps so I have 2 Nova Systems and I have some of the same pedals on both boards, I also like to have everything working all the time I hate plugging stuff in just to play

Guilty. so far it's just the fulltone 2 and flashback on the second unit... so far....
No, no duplicates. Every time I think about making another pedalboard I spend the money on new pedals, instead. That money is currently burning hole in my pocket but I'm going to sell some stuff first. But a smaller board sounds so darned convenient.
I have a pedal board for both my amps so I have 2 Nova Systems and I have some of the same pedals on both boards, I also like to have everything working all the time I hate plugging stuff in just to play

Just as an aside, though it's not directly on the topic of this thread...

I have a Lehle "1 at 3" switcher that noiselessly switches between three amps, and automatically lifts the grounds on the two that aren't switched on (though there are facilities on the switcher that allow more than one amp to be on at the same time, and the ground lifting can be defeated).

So I use one pedalboard, and it's plugged into all three of my amps. No duplicates necessary (I only need one pedalboard).
I also have two "boards". one for my main rig with TC Electronic pedals, a wah and volume pedal, which sometimes changes with adding of removing pedals or changing their order in my jam room.
and then a second one with a Boss Tuner, Line6 DL4 and MM4 in the room where my wife has her drum kit set up for some jamming along.
Always love when used pedals come into the shop...The only one I've ever duplicated (actually triplicated at one point) was the older TC Electronics Choral-Flange (CLF-1?? with hard wired power) the best Chorus I've heard for bass. Its currently on two of my boards. When I am putting together an additional board(s), I like to try different brands of same effects...or same brand, but different models, have both Wampler delays and love them. Have Tech 21 bass chorus on a mini pedaltrain and that is really nice , too. waiting to mess with Strymon effects...have heard some great things here about them. But sorry, short answer, usually, no.