Closest SE or S2 to a classic Les Paul?


New Member
Jul 6, 2014
San Diego, CA
My car needs a new transmission and I have to sell a guitar to fund it. It was down to my '12 Custom 24 or '12 LP Standard and I've chosen to sell the LP (not a very tough decision btw). Anyway, I will want another LP style guitar in the near future, but I don't want to give Gibson any more of my money, at least for the time being. It's just that I think PRS deserves it more. What PRS model will get me as close to that classic Les Paul tone as possible? I'm leaning towards an S2 model, but considering SE as well. I'd like to keep the cost down to less than $1k if at all possible. I'll go as much as $1200 if I have to .

Thanks! :rock:
I agree, the Bernie is very close to an LP but has only 1 tone. Bernie modeled it after his 59LP so there are lots of reasons it is that close.
Thanks guys! I just googled the SE Bernie Marsden and it's certainly a gorgeous guitar and it's priced right! I will keep this one in mind for sure.