Anyone own an SE Hollowbody II and a Gibson ES339?


New Member
Jun 10, 2023
Just curious what you feel the differences in, especially in terms of quality (and I realize the 339 is a semi-hollow). Does the Gibson feel like a more premium instrument?

From my understanding, they share similar construction methods.
I don't have the SE HB but I do have two core HB PRS and a 339 as well as a 335. I think the SE is built similar to the core HB. Someone please correct me if I am wrong on this. The PRS HB guitars are true hollow bodies. They only have wood under the bridge to connect the front and back and give a solid place to mount the bridge. The Gibson 335 and 339 have a maple center block. They are quite different guitars. To me, the 335 and 339 are quality built guitars. It would probably be a more fair comparison to compare the Epiphone models to the SE PRS HB. Very different guitars though.
I don't have the SE HB but I do have two core HB PRS and a 339 as well as a 335. I think the SE is built similar to the core HB. Someone please correct me if I am wrong on this. The PRS HB guitars are true hollow bodies. They only have wood under the bridge to connect the front and back and give a solid place to mount the bridge. The Gibson 335 and 339 have a maple center block. They are quite different guitars. To me, the 335 and 339 are quality built guitars. It would probably be a more fair comparison to compare the Epiphone models to the SE PRS HB. Very different guitars though.
You are correct. It's a true hollowbody with a block for the bridge.
I have a Custom Shop 339 ( Alnico II 's ) and an Artist HB II , while they can cover similar sonic territory they have a much different vibe when your playing them . For me the 339 is old school blues all the way , and it can tear it up with gain but more limited . The HB II's are amazing but don't have that same vibe , much more versatile , and inspiring .
I don't have the SE HB but I do have two core HB PRS and a 339 as well as a 335. I think the SE is built similar to the core HB. Someone please correct me if I am wrong on this. The PRS HB guitars are true hollow bodies. They only have wood under the bridge to connect the front and back and give a solid place to mount the bridge. The Gibson 335 and 339 have a maple center block. They are quite different guitars. To me, the 335 and 339 are quality built guitars. It would probably be a more fair comparison to compare the Epiphone models to the SE PRS HB. Very different guitars though.

The core is made with carved solid blocks of wood while the SE is 5-ply laminate. However, the Gibsons are 3-ply laminate. Epiphone is a solid brand, but doesn't have the fretwork or quality control of the SEs (though I believe they use CTS pots, whereas SEs do not).