Another Changed Extravagance


Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
Never mind what I said before. I changed the piece, again, as of today (May 21, 2022). Hey, it was rainy and I didn't have anything better to do than waste time writing orchestral music that only the Detroit Unnatural Symphony Orchestra will perform, conducted by the composer, namely, me. :)

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I dig it! Who is the Robert that did the painting, that is awesome.
That would be my brother Robert Schefman, who also did this oil painting as part of a recent series, and currently has a painting hanging in the Smithsonian’s Outwin exhibit in Washington; he’s a very fine artist. I am the least talented person in my family.

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Thanks for the kind words, all. Look, I know I'm not killin' it with this orchestral stuff, I'm a journeyman learner. But all this begging for compliments seems to work right? ;)

In the department of It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over, I added a section and changed the ending today. Because I could.
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Feels to me like a somber victory march to the precipice overlooking the conquered lands! Smells like, victory!! Thanks for sharing!!!

I didn't have an overarching theme. I was just poking around with melody, did a couple of measures, then did a couple more, etc. It's kind of a hodgepodge of "gee, what do I do next?"

So it ends up in a different place from where it started, musically. That wasn't intentional, it just happened.
As I stated in my edited opening post in this thread, I hope I made the piece better today. The intro is new. The ending is new. There are some new bits and pieces.