

Where is that speedo pic
Nov 4, 2012
washington iowa
I normally enjoy my job. Great company, great benefits and great co workers but there are occasions where I'd rather stay is one of those days.

3 degrees with 17 below wind chill here in SE Iowa and I'll be working outside most of the day.

Truck scale down probably needs a new load cell.

Friday looks like snow for our area but I'll be inside at FedEx so that's ok but today is going to suck.

Stay warm folks.
I like retirement.
I get to look at when the deep freeze is coming and choose to go somewhere warm, or hibernate by the fireplace. I think this round, I’ll have a big dinner and hibernate.
Sorry Sergio, no new guitar next week.
+1 on this concept... I am adjusting to the retired life just fine. Every time I hear someone having to work in the cold (or heat, or any other bad scenario) I feel more blessed to have finally reached the "work when I wanna" phase of life. Huge level of respect to all who are still out there doing what's needed to get food on the table, a roof over the head, and a PRS in the stand.

Oh and we have the reverse temperature on the Gulf Coast today... 71. Brutal.
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I do love the work that I am doing right now. During my school years I made a wrong decision and pursued an education as electrician while I should have chosen for mechanics. Dropped out of school and started working as a lorry driver. After my emigration to Sweden I got the opportunity to work as a mechanic/constructer. Working on forestry machinery/heavy equipment and working with metal like milling, cutting and welding. Work feels like a hobby and get paid for doing it as well. All the tools you will ever need at my disposal. Location is 600m from my house as a bonus so technically I can walk to get to work.
And fortunately I work from home, about 15 feet from my guitars. :D Close enough to walk to whenever I need a break (i.e., a fix), but not close enough to reach over and grab one when I get the urge (which is most of the time.) Hmm... I feel a break coming up.

I'm in this boat, too. Oddly, I don't take the time to play, which I should. The Mrs being around all the time is cramping my style!
Personnally, i hate my job, hate my employer, the benefits suck, and i would rather stay home too. On the bright side i have been looking for other jobs, so have that going for me. Hopefully when i get a new job they will approve time off to go to Experience in May, and mexico in July

I hate my employer, too. Unfortunately, I’m self-employed. :(