Window shopping (SC245 porn)

Saw that on Reverb - pretty cool (and definitely legit)!
I has no money :(

One of these days, I'mma have me a core model.

This reminds me of a question I been meaning to ask y'all

My PRSd told me he can't get core models. They have a buy in which is equal to about half of his current inventory.

The next closest PRSd is GC of Las Vegas which is a 2.5 hour drive. Each direction.

In our little town, there's one other store that sells electric guitars. F and i brands. (I won't even say those brand names, I hate them that much. The F brand was founded by Leo F, and the i brand is what Satriani plays.)

They outsell my PRSd at least 7 to 1.

This is a new market for PRS. There really aren't very many guitarists here, I don't think.
We have zero open mic nights or jam sessions here. There's almost never live bands anywhere and next to zero venues.

But, somebody is snapping up all of the F and i brand guitars. I'm expecting it to be collectors or perhaps a couple of guys playing shows down in Vegas. I do know we have some bands here who travel to Vegas or 6 hours north to Salt Lake City. And I've seen a ton of F and i guitars down in Vegas.

Point being

Surely PRS would allow my dealer to order me a core model, right?

He told me he could get one from a distributor but, I would be at the mercy of their inventory, and then he has to pay MAP for it, and so, I would have to pay him more.

I wanna support this dude's business. He runs a great shop. Plus, he will let me make payments without interest or credit or any of that shiznit.

But, I'm not gonna pay more than it's worth.

Anybody got any ideas?o_O
I actually sent in an application to a place in Henderson, Nv. to be a male prostitute who only services female clients. True story.
Get paid to bone women all day every day? Sheeeit, sign me right up!

They asked for a headshot photo.

I never heard back from them...:(
Normally these go for about $1500 used, so $850 for the classy paint job.

Sure, there could be a buyer at that price point.

"Trade for a LP Custom, plus cash on MY end."

That dog won't hunt. Epiphone maybe....