What Happened?


Redwood Original - Pure Blood
Jun 20, 2016
This Place Is Not Nearly As Active As It Once Was. What Happened?
Not sure, but it’s definitely noticeable.

Maybe the lack of in-person Experience gatherings.

Without going down the unpleasant path, a lot has changed over the past years. Lots of divisions…
It Is Incredibly Noticeable. I Can't Imagine A Lack Of Experience Gatherings Being The Cause But I Could Easily Be Wrong. Other Forums Have Activity On All Kinds Of Subjects So Not Sure Why The Drop Here. It Is Unfortunate.

What Do You Mean When You Say "Going Down The Unpleasant Path"?
The cancelling of several “fan based” things (Experience, Signature Club) has had an effect, but I don’t think it’s only that. Some of it is just cyclical. People take a break from heavy posting and some who were very active when I came here are more laid back, occasional participants now. Some have picked back up recently, which is always nice.

I think it’s just a summer lull, and folks will be more active when summer‘s activities are past.
The cancelling of several “fan based” things (Experience, Signature Club) has had an effect, but I don’t think it’s only that. Some of it is just cyclical. People take a break from heavy posting and some who were very active when I came here are more laid back, occasional participants now. Some have picked back up recently, which is always nice.

I think it’s just a summer lull, and folks will be more active when summer‘s activities are past.
I Sure Hope So. I Would Hate To See This Place Become Any More Of A Ghost Town. I Like You Knuckleheads. ;)
Consider that August locally is the slowest sales month of the year, mostly because families are taking last minute vacation holidays before the kids head back to school. If it happens locally, it wouldn't be surprising if it were elsewhere. Once the kids settle into a daily school routine, you'll see more people return to the forum.

There's also a downturn in job hiring because of the slowing sales. That means fewer new jobs until back-to-school supplies are needed, and stores that sell such will benefit.

Mostly clothing and electronics, stationery and office supplies. That's where the money is heading currently, not so much on new guitars until the holiday season...
I thought I recall PRS artists posting here in the forums from time to time, even in the PSF thread when their axes would emerge from the department. That would be cool to bring some of that back so fans could occasionally touch base with their heroes. Like a f7cking Al Di Meola Saturday (a la Saturday Night in San Francisco) once a month. That would f7cking SLAY. "Monday with Carlos". "Wednesday with Opeth". Who cares. Spotlight the pro talent, forum style.
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I thought I recall PRS artists posting here in the forums from time to time, even in the PSF thread when their axes would emerge from the department. That would be cool to bring some of that back so fans could occasionally touch base with their heroes. Life a f7cking Al Di Meola Saturday (a la Saturday Night in San Francisco) once a month. That would f7cking SLAY. "Monday with Carlos". "Wednesday with Opeth". Who cares. Spotlight the pro talent, forum style.
Mention was made of Al D. performing sometime soon. Indeed, it would be uber cool if performing artists regularly graced our forum. That would really be a nice highlight for many of us. Only concern is that there might be a lot of unintentional gushing. We just need to remind ourselves celebs need their space...enjoy the evening...off to clean up the kitchen and head to bed soon...
I think some of the loss in activity is that you can now just leave a "Like " and not have to post something.
Also Shawn from PRS was a great presence on this forum .
and sometimes a forum runs it course and or loses steam like BAM , The PRS Forums , Vintage Rocker
I think some of the loss in activity is that you can now just leave a "Like " and not have to post something.
Also Shawn from PRS was a great presence on this forum .
and sometimes a forum runs it course and or loses steam like BAM , The PRS Forums , Vintage Rocker
You know, one thing I learned is that one doesn't always need to have to post his or her opinion, just smile, nod your head, and agree. The like button does help when one might not have time to post something else.
It might be the august thing and we are not really getting much youngsters to join this old (wo)man type of socials. The facebook, instagram and tiktok gen does not join this zeroes kind of internec communication.
This surely counts. I work at a university and you would be surprised how many young people barely visit traditional websites, much less they know how to use a forum or anything (old school) interactive. Something alike that infamous "boomer bend"...
This ^ and it’s turned more to arguing than discussing. There’s all levels of participance here and from what I’ve seen lately it’s purely a communication issue. Not everyone here has English as there first language and what comes off as a rude post sometimes is purely in the translation. The other issue is social interaction as some posts start with a frustrated poster maybe with an issue that if communicated correctly can easily be solved but lack of skills ( because we just don’t communicate in person like we used to) cause the flame throwers to come out and it’s just a roller coaster ride from there. The written word is pretty strong and it’s tough to suck it up and admit error. Though this is not the complaint department as you should just contact the manufacturer direct it’s okay to post a dislike of something here I feel as long as it doesn’t get out of control. Constructive criticism is okay. It’s a sign of the times and a reflection on us. It doesn’t have to be this way.
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