What are you doing to stay in shape?

I wish I could get my Wife on to some sort of work out plan. She hates doing anything that makes her sweat. She doesn't like any machine that makes her move in place. She says it is super boring. I told her she could read or listen to audio books. She just is flat out not interested. I tried riding bicycles with her. She likes to ride slow and gawk at everything. I can't even get my heart rate up at all going her speed.
Cycling and modifying my diet has lost me 6lbs in the last 3 weeks.
Going to add lifting weights now.
Strength in general is good. I do lift weights (or push weights around on machines with pulleys and balances and all that crap), but I feel over all body muscle tone has benefited more from fitness classes that involve a lot of movement with small weights - lots and lots of generally slow controlled reps with small weights.
I’ll throw one more in here before vacation.

I had my highest level working in almost two years last night. Getting off that medicine has made me feel like ME again! I’m back to working out on the elliptical and already looking and feeling better. within 30 days I’ll be in the shape I was two years ago. More time playing guitar and working out, less time playing on the internet. Ha, I’ll feel better and so will you guys! :p
Over the decades I have gone to the gym. Now as I get older I have developed back problems due to snow shoveling and lifting weights. I have cut back on this now and do push ups, walking dogs mountain biking swimming and hiking. The gym work outs are limited to machine workouts and stationary bikes.
Good on ya! I've pretty much worked out my whole life and during my time in the Army, I was in my best shape ever in my 20s. When I got out and became a single parent to my 2 kids with full custody, my body suffered, but began working out again with periods of neglect in my 40's, but for the past few years and in to my 50's now, and thanks to the pandemic, I began bodyweight/gymnastic rings workouts at home 2 years ago. I do 4 times a week about 60 minutes a session with an additional 1-2 miles of walk/run. I utilize intermittent fasting anywhere from 18-36 hours 3-5 times a week. I keep my body guessing. I have one day a week, I don't worry about what I eat, but I'm not gluttonous and even eat ice cream 2-3 times a week. I am now down to 11% body fat and fit as I was in my 20's, doing weighted pull-ups and dips. I find this has improved my health dramatically! I eat enough to maintain/build muscle but I am pretty much low/no carb. And I sleep well. People find this strange, but I tape my mouth at night (and have been for the past 2 years) with medical mouth tape and I believe it has helped as well!
I might have stayed on the rowing machine too long…

Working part-time upright making sales as a front-store associate. A lot of my time is working the sales floor, and besides customer contact, there's maintenance and cleaning. Much of my time is walking or standing about for 6-½ hours, although never continuously.

Yardwork this year included hedge trimming, leaf raking and bagging. Gardening this past year included preparing the garden with garden stakes, sowing potted seedlings, trellis prep, ceramic planter prep, watering, weeding, lather, rinse, repeat, harvesting.

After growing season, trellis removal, pulling old vines and plants, emptying off ceramic planters and stowing off drainage stones and ceramics. Cleaning and storing of tools and items to winter over.

That, and household chores, cooking, maintenance, cleaning, garden composting. Soon will be shoveling snow from my parking space and walkway; the stuff ground crews will not do a complete job with. Also cleaning snow for my elderly Mom's car as well.

My calorie intake is monitored with a weight management phone app, and my calorie input/output is tracked with that.

Although my doctor would describe me as "obese," my weight in the past 6 years has not varied greatly, and my current weight has been maintained for the past 8 years.

Although my health insurance provides a gym membership, since the pandemic I've not visited the gym for more than a handful of times to do upper body exercises. My exercise trainer said I was not allowed on certain gym machines until a physical therapist corrected my shoulder impingement/range of motion. That didn't work out because of the pandemic, and my health insurance wouldn't cover extra PT visits once only ¾ of the PT exercises were finished. It's still possible for me to do upper body and leg, just not shoulder or back machines, because of the impingement restriction.

And just FTR, "round" is a "shape."
I made the decision this week that I need to do more. I signed up for the gym in my area again. I am also going to try to drag my wife in there with me. The level of membership I got this time allows me to take guests in with me. I put her in my VIP list so now all I have to do is get her in there. I noticed recently how some things take the wind out of me that didn't use to. I figured that since I am an old man now, I need to do more to keep my body in shape and flexible. The journey begins, again.
Wish I could exercise. Maybe after I get better. I was a personal trainer for many years. I really know the benefits of being fit. There is no denying it. We have a really nice gym in our basement thx to my son. I just sit and look at it. I don’t have the physical strength atm.
Wish I could exercise. Maybe after I get better. I was a personal trainer for many years. I really know the benefits of being fit. There is no denying it. We have a really nice gym in our basement thx to my son. I just sit and look at it. I don’t have the physical strength atm.

Hope you get some relief from your pain soon.
I started cycling years ago- the wifey and I do a number of trips a year. I got a Wahoo Kickr 2 years ago and now try to ride 5 days a week- 10 miles. I do a couple of days a week at the community center strength training- but that's a slow process these days-
Too stay in shape? Gin during the week and bourbon on the weekends!
Ah, I have been using Bourbon and Tequila. Maybe that was the problem.

I started cycling years ago- the wifey and I do a number of trips a year. I got a Wahoo Kickr 2 years ago and now try to ride 5 days a week- 10 miles. I do a couple of days a week at the community center strength training- but that's a slow process these days-
I cycle too but on a Harley. All kidding aside, if I cycled with my wife, I would get zero benefit out of it. She likes to ride slow and look around. I go at it with a little more focus and speed.