Mr. Seagal, your guitar is ready for pickup...

Mike Duncan

DGT Player
Apr 26, 2012
South Riding, VA

Snarl...growl....that's it, you're a TIGER!!’s sold!! Along with two other PS guitars with New York skyline inlay and Koi inlay.

Are art collectors learning guitar nowadays??

The habit starts young. In their later years they develop GAS like humans.

But the degree of GAS can vary. Avoid getting in her debt.


"Good. Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughter's wedding day."
...with New York skyline inlay...
A few years back somebody thought it would be a good idea to have one with a skyline inlay from Cologne... :D

Google "Private Stock #3403", I don't know if I should link to shops here... but that one's been there for quite a while now...
A few years back somebody thought it would be a good idea to have one with a skyline inlay from Cologne... :D

Google "Private Stock #3403", I don't know if I should link to shops here... but that one's been there for quite a while now...

Oh man, that's insane. (Though if I were to do a skyline inlay, it'd be Edinburgh...)