Finally played an Archon.


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
They’re pretty rad, I gotta say. Dead simple to dial in and not a bad tone in it.

I started with the whole knobs at noon kinda thing and, boom! Great sounding amp. A ton of bottom available with that depth knob, even in the tiny 1x12 combo I tried. The lack of reverb was the only thing I could nitpick about but... sh!t, what a fire breather!

If I were a hesher, I’d totally rock one.
They’re pretty rad, I gotta say. Dead simple to dial in and not a bad tone in it.

I started with the whole knobs at noon kinda thing and, boom! Great sounding amp. A ton of bottom available with that depth knob, even in the tiny 1x12 combo I tried. The lack of reverb was the only thing I could nitpick about but... sh!t, what a fire breather!

If I were a hesher, I’d totally rock one.

Glad you got to check on out. Now I only gotta haul the HG-70 over.
Glad you got to check on out. Now I only gotta haul the HG-70 over.

WHEW! For a second there I thought Sergio had broken into DTRs house while he was at that freaked me out....not because he might have broken into his house just that he did before I had a chance to first.:eek:o_O:D
Ok, first of all, yes, bout time! Second, what the heck is a “Hesher?” Spelldork changed it three times so he doesn’t recognize it either. No surprise, I don’t think Inglish is Spelldorks first langwich.

Thirdly, I was not at work, I was out of town for the weekend. And now you know why I didn’t tell you guys! ;)

Last but not least, I’m not a big weight guy and I’m not dangerous. Then again, nobody has ever messed with my Archon. :D
Ok, first of all, yes, bout time! Second, what the heck is a “Hesher?” Spelldork changed it three times so he doesn’t recognize it either. No surprise, I don’t think Inglish is Spelldorks first langwich.

Thirdly, I was not at work, I was out of town for the weekend. And now you know why I didn’t tell you guys! ;)

Last but not least, I’m not a big weight guy and I’m not dangerous. Then again, nobody has ever messed with my Archon. :D

I'll help a bro out....
I’d love to be 28 and living in my parents’ basement, mainly because being 28 again would rock, not to mention that I liked my mullet in the 80s, and generally dug the 80s a lot because, hell, youthfulness.

But even then I wasn’t into metal. So I dunno about the amp.
I liked my mullet in the 80s, and generally dug the 80s a lot because, hell, youthfulness.

YOU!? My mullet and my peach fuzz mustache were my trademarks! Getting suspended from school for my mullet being too long was a friggin right of passage! What? Hello! I grew up in Alabama. .....o_O:D
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Ok, seriously, how many of you guys actually had a mullet?

Oh I did! I even went as far as to let my girlfriends mom put a perm in the party in the rear. My hair "was" my thing. Mullet, Permullet, the Rat Tail (the remnants of the mullet). Then I danced briefly with into my Phil Anselmo(shaved) then I settled into my signature Eddie Vetter until the early 2Ks, until "The Man" put the screws to me! Finally, I succumbed to the proverbial High and Tight which inadvertently became my go to...could be worse, I haven't given up completely and started to think a comb over would be my next...screw that! If anymore falls on to my back...I will retaliate with the Anesolmo before I give up the fight...or maybe rock the the mullet again and go for the Friar Tuck yeah, I had one...and it was on point!

Back to the Archon...I can't afford it...and gravity now rules my hairline...:( damn you gravity!!!!
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