Dear Lord, Why?


New Member
Apr 26, 2012

I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of the blade switch, and it's not like it hasn't crossed my mind to fill it in on a guitar I've got but... I haven't. And I sure as hell would find somethin' better than dried jizz to do it with.

Then there's the new hole. I wanna know how whoever did this was able to get a f@cking woodpecker to make that hole. Did he tape a worm to the top of the guitar? Do woodpeckers even eat worms? I think the eat bugs, don't they? Perhaps he superglued some ants on there.. Yeah, that must have been how it happened, that's what I'd do.

What about that trench for the ground wire? I mean.. I.. I.. You had to take the damn plate off of the guitar to solder it to the potentiometer, right? So it's safe to assume that they had a working knowledge of how a philips head screwdriver works, or at least a basic concept.

Dear Lord... Why? Why would somebody do that to a fairly new guitar? Why would you do that first and then decide that you don't like the guitar enough to keep it and then sell it like that?

My balls hurt.
This is one project I won't bite on! Douchery, I say, my good man, douchery!
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That is just plain fugly. What was the person thinking? (Then again, I once owned a Gretsch Anniversary model where someone had installed a Strat jack on the top.)
Looks like they did indeed have basic knowledge of how a Philips head a chisel. No accounting for morons.
I had to go back and look again. It's like a bad accident, and I don't want to look. Can't help myself....rubber neckin'!
Normally I just cruise by people's wonky attempts, heck, I've had a few.. But Man, I think that thing's still under warranty it's so new.
I wonder if the fact that it's in Texas has anything to do with the butchering...?? :rolleyes:

It could be cleaned up obviously, but still.....jeez....

"Here, hold my beer....I'm gonna try something..."