Davy Knowles On Tour


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
If this tour comes anywhere near you, go see it. Davy's playing is absolutely on fire. This venue has the night's schedule at the desk where they take your tix, and I'll admit, I was a bit disappointed to see that Davy was scheduled for a 75-minute set. As it turned out, the second opener started started a bit early, which resulted in Davy starting a bit early - and playing about 1:45 total. The turnout was a bit disappointing because he's drawn well here before, but it also meant we ended up at a table on the floor - right up front. As I said on the socials, if Davy decided to stage dive, my Coke was going flying. And dude tore it up all night long. It's not often I can say that I went to see one of my favorite artists and they didn't play TWO of my favorite songs and I wasn't the least bit disappointed. A lot of stuff from his most recent album, a resonator section where he played some stuff from his upcoming album (which is apparently going to skew in a bit of a folky direction, at least in part).

Pre-show, I could see he had the white Vela and a Silver Sky in his rack (turned out to be a green Silver Sky). Most of the night he played a black Tele, switching off to the Vela for some slide, the aforementioned resonator segment, and a red Tele. I had seen somewhere that he played "Sultans Of Swing" as an encore at an earlier show, and I posted that I hoped he'd play it at this show - I'd never seen him do it. They came out for the encore and he grabbed the Silver Sky. I grabbed my wife's leg and said, "I think we might be getting 'Sultans'!" like a giddy schoolchild. He turned around holding a Dm chord, and I tapped my wife again and said, "It is 'Sultans'!!! It is 'Sultans'!!!!" and I saw that familiar "this is what I married?" look cross her face. And it was, indeed, "Sultans" after he spoke about his dad playing the song for him in the car when he was a kid, "rendering me unemployable". He talked about how it kind of made him want to be Mark Knopfler, and that it was still kind of the goal. Well, he did Knopfler more than proud - he tore it up and totally destroyed the place. People were up and moving all over the joint. It was a three-piece band, excellent all night, but man did the drummer shine on this one. Dream achieved.

Got a chance to chat with Davy after the show, and I thanked him for playing it. He said, "Yeah, I saw you posted about that, and I figured we'd better play it tonight." I don't think he remembers me by name, but he remembers me because he thanked me about five times for coming out "time after time after time, every time". Well, yeah - it's easy to support good people. I did talk to him about his Uncovered subscription club, which he's suspended, and I told him I hoped he'll revive it. I got a TON out of it.

But yeah, the short version is in that first sentence - if he's playing anywhere near you, go. To see a talent like this in the venues he's playing is a gift.
Yep. She really works well in this band. That said, I was kind of hoping Kane Roberts would do this leg - he was in the band the first time I saw Alice. With Kip Winger on bass.
That would have been cool. My first Cooper show was the Operation Rock and Roll tour with Metal Church, Dangerous Toys, Motörhead, Alice and Priest. I think Al Pitrelli was one of his guitarists. Not sure about the other. Might have been Stef Burns. Singer was on drums.
That would have been cool. My first Cooper show was the Operation Rock and Roll tour with Metal Church, Dangerous Toys, Motörhead, Alice and Priest. I think Al Pitrelli was one of his guitarists. Not sure about the other. Might have been Stef Burns. Singer was on drums.

Vinnie Vincent Invasion was the opener for my first Alice show. The band had Kip and another guy from Winger (not Reb), Kane Roberts and a guy named Devlin 7 on guitar. I don't remember the drummer, but I have a DVD that would have it. They did the show live on MTV a couple weeks before I saw him. Including a girl flashing him. I watched that tape a lot. Now it's about 50/50 whether there's an opener or not. And he still sounds great - not sure what his secret is, but his voice really hasn't lost much. A little of the highs, but he is 75.