

Zomb!e Nine, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
Admittedly, I'm a bit a pack rat. Not hoarder style. But I keep boxes for EVERYTHING. Starts as, "well I may want to return this." So, boxes, manuals, etc. It's to the point where I'm feeling uncomfortable and slightly depressed about the clutter in my office, guitar room, garage and basement.

So this week, I'm starting "the cleanse". Getting rid of stuff that I don't need. Hoping by weeks end I'll feel at least a little better about where things are at. Made some progress on my office today.

Anyone else have this issue?
Totally understand that. we have a file for paperwork, receipts, manuals, etc. I usually only keep boxes for 3-4 weeks now then recycle them. If they have neat/good info on the tags, I'll take pictures.
You will feel better after a good purge... doesn't everybody? :p
I've been called a hoarder, so I suspect I'm worse off than you are.

And it sucks, because I can't even play all my amps. Most of my amp-playing these days has been through those little Vox amPlug headphone amps (which are surprisingly nice, although bewildering -- why does the "clean" have a dirty channel?).
Yes. I have every single shipping box from all the PRSi I have ever acquired, except one (I finally admitted I probably didn't need it). I keep them "in case I have to move", even though they all have cases or gig bags that are more than suitable for any move I pack myself, or "in case I need to ship it somewhere" - I have no idea where or why I would ship them all at once, so I really only need to keep two or three.

I promised myself a couple weeks ago that I would throw most of them out, but I have failed to do so (admittedly, I've been busy with other stuff).

Maybe next weekend, if yard work doesn't win over my attention span. The pond does need to have that leak addressed, and we need to clear out beside the bamboo, and...
I keep pedal boxes in case one day I may want to sell them. Sure, there are some I'd never sell; but they don't take up much space.
I have a storage room full of shipping boxes. I need to 86 them.
My house doesn't have a proper storage room, like you might find in a basement.

Houses in Florida typically don't have basements - you dig down 10 feet, you get 6 feet of water. There are exceptions, but they are just that - exceptions, typically found up a hill, so that the water table is lower in the vicinity.

So one would think there would be lots of extra big closets to make up for the missing storage space.


So the garage becomes a storage area, but only for things that can withstand 80%+ humidity and 140 deg F temps (while also dealing with almost freezing temps). Cardboard boxes are OK, but most other things not so much.

Attics are even hotter/moister.

The bedroom closets are jammed full of the stuff that should go in storage areas, reducing the room for, you know, clothes.

I may modify the daughter's bedroom when/if she moves out to enlarge that closet and maybe also provide access from the other side (the bonus room over the garage, which I guess could be used as a very large storage area, but is a music/HT room instead).
Even though I don't ship stuff, I keep a couple of boxes for acoustics and a couple for a rectangular PRS electric. I have a KTR in a box when I'm not using it, which is most of the time.

I suppose I could sell two acoustics and two electrics to eliminate the box clutter.
If you ever visit an old Italian city-state, the smattering of narrow mismatched towers at every other corner you would see there are reminiscent of the combined clutter my wife and I have assembled in our home.
No. But my wife disagrees.

I say you never know when I might want to read something from that 1988 Penguins program again.

I have been trying to purge some of the magazines and articles I've kept. And books.

I still have Beta tapes and 8-tracks. The difference there is I have an 8-track player. No Beta player (at least right now).
I feel a little better that I'm not the only one. I got rid of a decent amount this morning. Tomorrow I have too much to do make any progress so I'll resume Wednesday morning.
I have been trying to purge some of the magazines and articles I've kept.

The day Kennedy was shot I was a little kid interested in historical artifacts, so I wrapped a newspaper with the headline in Saran Wrap and still have it. Still looks new. Seriously, though, WTF am I going to do with something like that?

But that shows ya how far back my inability to part with certain things goes.
I have been trying to purge some of the magazines and articles I've kept. And books.
I got rid of a lifetime of technical journals a while ago. I kept predictions made each decade. I still have National Geographics back to the 70s, which I may try to give away soon. I've taken several boxes of books to a seniors residence.