
Yep, I'm the same. Used to have a sizeable amount of space in the basement, but it wasn't done my way, so I decided to paint and decorate a room upstairs how I wanted, but at the expense of all the space. Much more cramped than before as I didn't realize how much space boxes and cases could take up when I had all that room. I'm finding I have to be super selective of what stays in my 10x10 room now and keep a lot of stuff in another room.
Does 150 guitar boxes count?
Did you misplace the others? :D

The only boxes I maintain now are for pedals. Everything else was purged years ago. And just when I think I’m getting clogged up around here, I visit a few friends for some perspective. It’s all relative.

On The topic of Sergio’s situation, that is a real problem. We’ve already been warning the boys to get the attic cleaned out ASAP to prevent a life-altering experience. When Dad moved to Florida, we filled a large skid dumpster and sent 3 28’ truck loads of stuff to the auction house. The stuff we threw away makes me cringe to this day, but it had to go somewhere. The bad news is, there’s still 2 storage units full of sh@t that we will have to deal with in the future. But when you decompress living space by 6000 sq ft, it’s got to go somewhere. Do your kids a minimally.

(That is possibly the most ironic statement made around these parts)
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Funny, this is a year old thread and I’m back in the same spot. Office is a mess. Guitar room is the same. My garage, which has no extra space to begin with is crammed full. I need a shed for lawn care stuff.
Yep, I’m in a similar place today! Pack Rat tendencies are hard to let go of - must be an ancient survival mechanism or something...:)
Yep, I’m in a similar place today! Pack Rat tendencies are hard to let go of - must be an ancient survival mechanism or something...:)

I’ve made very few purchases lately so my clutter is a little different this time around. One thing I hate is junk mail. All my important things I know the look of. Once you start getting behind on junk mail, it’s an overwhelming mess. I think I need to move my paper shedder outta the office to the garage which is the 1st place I go after getting the mail.
I’ve made very few purchases lately so my clutter is a little different this time around. One thing I hate is junk mail. All my important things I know the look of. Once you start getting behind on junk mail, it’s an overwhelming mess. I think I need to move my paper shedder outta the office to the garage which is the 1st place I go after getting the mail.

There should be a law against junk mail, or at the very least a social environmental movement. I mean, if they can talk about 86ing drinking straws....
Yeah because drinking straws are the real problem! Not the 56 billion tonnes of plastic our food is packaged in!!
At the risk of crossing a political boundary, many plastics a consumer has no control over. We can put groceries in our own reusable bags instead of taking home more plastic bags. We can decline a plastic straw (which I’ve done for years) and drink straight from the glass (unless our jaw is broken). We can buy PRS guitars instead of little plastic guitars shaped like cats.

It takes a lot of ant hills to make a mountain, but I don’t mind doing what I can.