Changing the tone control to a second volume one?


New Member
Jul 11, 2018
I have recently got my first PRS (2011 SE Custom 24) and I'm absolutely in love with it (obligatory NGD post coming soon).

I've never used the tone knob on any other guitar and I can't see this one being any different, so I was contemplating changing it so that there is a separate volume control for each pickup. This would give me more control over the blend in the middle selection.

Is this possible? It's not something I would attempt myself but I've a pretty handy guitar tech living near me who would more than likely have the know how.

Has anyone else tried this with a PRS?

Also, is it possible to add a coil spilt to the pickups in the 2011 SE?(currently there isn't one like there is on the newer SE's)
Your mods are possible and could be cool. I often think that my Paul's Guitar would be more awesome with two volumes instead of a vol/tone, but I haven't changed it. Shoot, you could probably do two push/pull pots, and have two volumes with individual coil splits. Then you guitar would kind of be like a 24-08, but with two volumes!!
...I was contemplating changing it so that there is a separate volume control for each pickup. This would give me more control over the blend in the middle selection.

Is this possible?

Also, is it possible to add a coil spilt to the pickups in the 2011 SE?(currently there isn't one like there is on the newer SE's)
Yes, and Yes if the pickups are 4 wire. If they only have two wires (or a braided common with a single black wire in the center) in the back then no.

and congrats on a great guitar! :)