What´s your opinion about my bad luck with PRS P24


New Member
Jun 24, 2015
I had some bad luck with my new PRS P24 Trem, quilt top in orange blood. A wonderful instrument. I ordered it in april 2014 from a local dealer in Stockholm, Sweden, where I live. It was delivered in october. After about a month the piezo started to sound bad on the G-string. It was fixed, but the error returned after about a month. The dealer/agent had the guitar sent to England to have the piezo unit interchanged. When the guitar was returned a month later it was damaged on the back side with two marks, as if it had been placed on an unclean bench with solder pearls on it. They tried to fix it, but the result was not more than a try. The agent wants to compensate me with 10% of the price on the guitar. Do you think this is a fair deal? They have offered me to return the guitar and have the money back. A new similar guitar have increased in price about 20% due to dollar/ swedish kronor rate. I think I shoud be offered a complete new guitar. What´s your opinion?:bawling:
Since you took delivery of the guitar roughly eight months ago, I think the dealer is being more than reasonable offering you either a 10% discount or complete return. I don't think expecting a brand new guitar at this point is realistic, but hey if they want to more power to ya.

Is the piezo issue fixed? If so, I would take the 10% credit, play the crap out of it and start putting your own dings in it!
new guitar, but i am no expert on currency issues. Sounds like you should get your money back and work with another dealer. It would be nice if the dealer did do an exchange.
A new guitar for a couple of repair marks that can be fixed after you've had the guitar a while? Seems unreasonable.

On the other hand, there is no reason they shouldn't be able to fix the dings properly.
Bummer for sure, but if it's working and the damage is minor, I'd take the 10% and get some nice pedals or something. Gonna get dinged eventually!
A new guitar for a couple of repair marks that can be fixed after you've had the guitar a while? Seems unreasonable.

On the other hand, there is no reason they shouldn't be able to fix the dings properly.

I agree to a point, the dealer has already offered to give money back. Which is awesome based on the time the op has had the guitar. Since they are offering money back, why not an exchange or new guitar.

Plus the guitar was damaged while under warranty repairs by dealer. Sounds like they are trying to make good on the negative experience.
I'd take the 10%. Its a guitar. Its going to get battle wounds. Play it. Love it. Beat the crap out of it. In the end, its a tool. I once had a Jackson Phil Collen arrive at my house and not more than 2 hours later I put a big dent in the back on the edge of my coffee table. Sh&t happens.
Sucks. Can you post a picture so we can see what we're giving advice about?

I can see why you wouldn't want the money back due to the exchange rate, having to shell out an extra 20% to get a new one. Maybe read up on the legislation - do you have something like forbrugerråd in Sweden, like we do in Denmark?

You could also try to get them to discount it by 15%, see if they'll go for it.