Sir George Martin-R.I.P.


Respect The Clave
Jun 1, 2014
Austin, Texas
Working with, by today's standards, very basic tape recorders and mixers he(along with all of his long list of fantastic engineers) he was able to mentor, guide and advise and then capture the sound and incredible performances of the Greatest Rock and Roll band of the 20th century. Just listen to 'Meet The Beatles' and then 'Abbey Road'. (And he produced 'Blow by Blow' by Jeff Beck too.)

R.I.P Sir George Martin
He set the standard for producing records that have been in place for the past 50-odd years.

That is an incredible accomplishment. I learned most of what I know from listening to records he worked on.
George Martin's influence on music, rock and pop in particular would be hard to over estimate.
So many firsts...

First intentionally recorded feedback...
Naming and first use of "flange" effect...
First true supergroup...

A comprehensive list would be hard to write.

I look forward to finding a really good biography by a talented and insightful writer.

He will be missed.