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Weird winter in Southern Maine/Seacoast NH . No snow at all . 50 degrees again today. Not complaining
It’s gonna be 85 degrees here Thursday. WTAF?! Had like 2 weeks in the teens at night 20 degree highs. That was in mid December and it been in the 60s and 70s since. Apparently hell will be arriving earlier than usual this year.
In case anyone is wondering, a dental crown costs about as much as a new S2 McCarty 594 Thinline. I would have picked a blue one.

While at the dentist's I did think of other ways you could disguise guitar cases to avoid potential theft: make it look like it contains hazardous chemicals, rattlesnakes, or wasps. Yeah, wasps. "Property of National Entomology Laboratory. Caution: Genetically Modified Wasps." And go to gigs wearing a combo beekeeper/hazmat outfit. But people could also think you're in a Devo tribute band.
In case anyone is wondering, a dental crown costs about as much as a new S2 McCarty 594 Thinline. I would have picked a blue one.

While at the dentist's I did think of other ways you could disguise guitar cases to avoid potential theft: make it look like it contains hazardous chemicals, rattlesnakes, or wasps. Yeah, wasps. "Property of National Entomology Laboratory. Caution: Genetically Modified Wasps." And go to gigs wearing a combo beekeeper/hazmat outfit. But people could also think you're in a Devo tribute band.
How about a banjo gig bag to hide your guitar in?
In case anyone is wondering, a dental crown costs about as much as a new S2 McCarty 594 Thinline. I would have picked a blue one.

While at the dentist's I did think of other ways you could disguise guitar cases to avoid potential theft: make it look like it contains hazardous chemicals, rattlesnakes, or wasps. Yeah, wasps. "Property of National Entomology Laboratory. Caution: Genetically Modified Wasps." And go to gigs wearing a combo beekeeper/hazmat outfit. But people could also think you're in a Devo tribute band.
yeah, but i never sit around wishing i’d spent less on my teeth. i love chewable food.
How about a banjo gig bag to hide your guitar in?
Good thinking! Weirdly I grew up with two banjos in the house, a Pete Segar longneck and a Gibson tenor. Yet I never learned to play them. Man, the havoc I could have have wreaked.

yeah, but i never sit around wishing i’d spent less on my teeth. i love chewable food.
Good point. I happened to think I could have bought a pizza each week for nearly the next three years, but I couldn't have really eaten them.
Good thinking! Weirdly I grew up with two banjos in the house, a Pete Segar longneck and a Gibson tenor. Yet I never learned to play them. Man, the havoc I could have have wreaked.

Good point. I happened to think I could have bought a pizza each week for nearly the next three years, but I couldn't have really eaten them.
for one, banjo isn’t so bad as long as it isn’t jazz or bluegrass, and for two, if you’re always comparing stuff to pizza you’ll feel like you’re losing even when you’re winning.
for one, banjo isn’t so bad as long as it isn’t jazz or bluegrass, and for two, if you’re always comparing stuff to pizza you’ll feel like you’re losing even when you’re winning.
Oh, but I would have played jazz banjo. Bebop banjo, even. Man, my Charlie Parker Omnibook and a banjo, it would have been ... something. I'm not going to look up "Donna Lee on banjo."

And good point on the pizza. It's been a rare thing for me the last few years. If it helps, in addition to comparing the cost of an S2 McCarty Thinline, I thought of a gravel bicycle and around 10 pairs of running shoes.
for one, banjo isn’t so bad as long as it isn’t jazz or bluegrass, and for two, if you’re always comparing stuff to pizza you’ll feel like you’re losing even when you’re winning.
Tacos dude, comparing everything to tacos. Anything that’s not tacos is trash.

Edit. Tacos and guitars
If you fold a pizza slice, it’s kind of a taco.

OK... how do you fold it? Crust to crust like making a smaller triangle, or how about rolling it up like a crescent roll?

Fool! If I rolled it like a crescent roll it’d be a croissant.

OK man... I think we need instructions, so as not to eff it up!

If you don't already know the difference between "fold" and "roll", how will instructions help?
I wish I could carry bear spray. A 3” knife is all I am allowed to carry in Canada.

If you get to ram a knife somewhere strategic you can inflict some pretty serious damage. In the eye, insert underneath chin a rip upwards, kick them where he sun don’t shine. I honestly playact scenes in of violence in my head and what procedure would I follow to try and get out it.

I am sure that the guy who got pushed on the tracks would clearly tell you that he had his wits about him. You can clearly see that ppl are becoming more vigilant in their safety.

I wait flat against wall. I try to stand the furthest away from the tracks. I hate the fact that I am a walking billboard for PRS. It’s displayed in big letters on my gig bag. People that know their guitars know I am a worthwhile target.
Get one of those cases 11top recommended. I wouldn't carry a PRS labeled bag in a risky area. Even if it was an SE, they wouldn't know it until it was too late. And, yours is not an SE so if I were in a sketchy area, I wouldn't advertise the PRS guitar.