Rabea & Pete


PRS Addiction
Jun 27, 2012
Auburn, WA. USA
Looks like Pete and Rabea may be doing demos together in the future.
I really enjoy his playing, and yes, more so than Rob's.

I think I like this pedal over my TC Flashback X4 too.

The video below popped up after the one above was done, have not heard of this guy before.

Nice pedal. Hadn't seen this one before. The Tone and Mod Depth controls are nice.

I think I still prefer my Flashback X4 for its simplicity. Controlling parameters using the TonePrint Editor gives amazing flexibility too, when you want it. My needs are simple, though. I use preset one as a tape echo, set for a short slapback by default, and I use the tap tempo if I want to sync it to the beat. Preset two I use as a longer analog with modulation for something a bit more ambient. This weekend, I just started using preset three with the Tri Chorus toneprint; hoping to get my chorus pedal off the board as I downsize.

I could see the Boss unit being a great option for those who want a crazy amount of options at an excellent price.
I will have to look for the Tri-Chorus one, that sounds good.

It seems like a great chorus so far. I only tried it out late night through the headphones so far. With higher depth settings, it's quite Leslie like and gets a nice 80's shimmer at lower depth. It pushed the preamp of my little mini amp hard, so I'm curious to see how well I can balance the sound through a proper amp. You can build your own chorus from scratch in the Editor, too. I tinkered with that a bit, but it didn't sound a whole lot different from the TC toneprint.

Looking forward to comparing it to my little Mooer chorus (based on the old Boss analog) to see how they stack up.
Not exactly Rabea and Pete's video, but I would like to start putting all of Rebea's in one folder, it keeps the forum tidier :D
These pedals actually have a tube in them too.

From yesterday.
TwoNotes Le Crunch Preamp - Tube Preamp Dual Channel Pedal

This one was from just a minute ago.
TwoNotes Le Lead Preamp - Dual Channel Tube Preamp Pedal

New MXR Pedals, Reverb, Studio Comp, DVP4, Green Rhino, Swollen Pickle, Bass Wah Mini & Petrucci Wah

Long video for the gear nerdiness in all of us.
