NGD.... Kinda lengthy


New Member
Dec 10, 2014

Okay so I've had my new and first PRS for just over a week now and I wanted to wait and post about it until I had some good playtime with it. By the way, sorry if the pic doesn't show. I only use these forums on my mobile device. Anyways, my first PRS was the Dave Navarro SE Custom 24 and I have to say after a week of jamming with this guitar I'm extremely happy! The first thing I noticed when I unboxed it was the beautiful jet white finish, it really is an eye catcher. I was also surprised that it was practically in tune. Then I plugged it into my setup which is a marshall JCM 2000 DSL100, some effects and a marshall AVT412 cab. I also run a tube screamer in front of the overdrive channel. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The stock SE HFS sounds amazing. Chords sound full and clear. Palm mutes are defined and chunky. The neck pickup is great for cleans. I actually like the pickups a lot. I don't think I'm gonna change them. The neck feels absolutely amazing! Nice and thin for my small fat hands lol. The weight is nice welcome. I'm used to my heavy epi Les Paul custom and Gibson explorer. The weight should be better during live shows. The bridge is nice and comfy. The only issue is the trem. I can't use it that often because pulls it out tune quite easily, specifically the low E and G strings. But I guess dive bombing on a standard trem will do that. But when I'm not using the trem the guitar stays in tune perfectly. Could be the nut or the tuners. Not that big of an issue to me since I don't use that kinda of stuff in my band. Other than the guitar is fantastic! It makes feel like a better guitar player when I'm playing it. The guitar doesn't feel like a Korean made guitar. I can't say enough about the quality of the instrument. It definitely gives my gibson explorer a run for its money. I'm definitely going to be using this guitar as my main guitar for our shows now. If you're like me and have come down on hard times and can't a afford a guitar over $1000, these SE guitars are worth every penny. I've been playing guitar for 12 years but I'm only 22 years old so I hope my opinion counts for something. It's also safe to say I will probably only play PRS guitars from now on. Glad I can be apart of the club now! I love my guitar!
The nut slots probably need tweaking.

Oh yeah, congrats! The SE guitars are DARN GOOD. The Tremonti SE (with USA pickups) I have totally crushes. I wouldn't hesitate to proudly gig it, and it was a total steal of a price used. The others I've owned have all impressed as well.
I enjoyed reading your post! Sounds like your nut is binding the strings a little. Easy to fix.
Yeah buddy!

I gig and love my SE Orianthi as much as I do my regular PRS. Great guitars with a little work.
Hey, great choice! Yeah, your nut is probably binding - some kind of lubrication (nut sauce, or just some chapstick or similar) might help, or you might need to open up the slots a bit.

My SEs are great guitars, and I wouldn't hesitate to gig with them at all.
Congrats! I agree that it's usually a nut slot issue that causes your problem.
Congratulations man!! The SE guitars are awesome! I have the SE 245 and love it! You'll never regret that guitar. She's a keeper ;)
HNGD. I've always had trouble with SE nuts... Get the slots opened up or replace it (I did and went for a TUSQ that I love).