New PRS McCarty 594 SE...pickup switching...should there be a silent position??


New Member
Jun 20, 2024
Hi folks...I'm a new owner of a PRS McCarty 594 SE in the beautiful blue/purple finish. And even sweeter, I snagged it on clearance from the local GC.

I have a Gibson LP Standard Premium, and have had an Epiphone LP in the past, so I thought I knew how the dual volumes work. However, if I select the middle pickup position, and turn the lower volume knob up, there's no sound. The upper volume knob seems to control both pickups if the selector switch is in the middle.

Is this correct behavior, or is something wrong with the wiring on this one? My Gibson LP does not behave this way, nor did my prior Epiphone LP, although I did see a post here about "modern LP wiring". It just seems really odd to have a position where one volume knob is up but there's no sound.

Is there a PRS document that describes exactly how this is supposed to work?

The top volume is the neck volume, the bottom is the bridge. If the toggle is up, the top volume controls the volume. If it's down, the bottom does.

In the middle, however, both have an effect. If you turn the bridge (bottom) volume all the way up and the neck all the way down, you'll get nothing (and maybe like it!). Same if you turn the neck all the way up and turn the bridge all the way down. So you need at least some of both to get sound. This is normal and allows you to blend the pickups.