NEW GUITAR DAY!! PRS S2 McCarty 594 Singlecut


New Member
Sep 4, 2020
I am so excited about this! I over researched this purchase more than any other I've ever done. In the end, it came down to a Gibson Les Paul Studio in a Sweetwater Exclusive color or a PRS S2 McCarty 594 Singlecut and I obviously went with the PRS. It arrived today and it is the most beautiful guitar in my collection by a LONG shot. Can't wait to get to know it better.

Beautiful...and the poster is from one of my favorite Dr. Who episodes!

I like that ep as well. We built a puzzle of that image - what a pain in the a$$. One of the hardest puzzles we built, to the point that we were maybe 2/3 of the way done and we decided it was getting framed because we didn’t want to be tempted to try it again.
I am so excited about this! I over researched this purchase more than any other I've ever done. In the end, it came down to a Gibson Les Paul Studio in a Sweetwater Exclusive color or a PRS S2 McCarty 594 Singlecut and I obviously went with the PRS. It arrived today and it is the most beautiful guitar in my collection by a LONG shot. Can't wait to get to know it better.

Congrats! Great choice.
Is this your first PRS?
And lets see some more pics, I’m sure you’ve filled you phone up with them by now!