Excellent idea!
They aren't worth much, apparently. I might hang onto them in case a friend needs one.
They are definitely better built; you can see it in the build of the tube. These are pics taken of two of my tubes, first an NOS GE:
The parts are straight, instead of crooked; the supports are perpendicular to the base; cleaner wiring, etc. Look at the top of the tube for a clean build quality. Note also that the mica spacers are parallel, and that the "fingers" that serve to keep a minimum contact with the glass so the parts don't rattle are evenly spaced.
NOS Mullard:
As with the GE, the construction inside the tube is about perfect. The angle on this shot is different, but the tube is built well inside. Any bend on the pins on the bottom straighten, of course, when the tube is inserted into the socket.
New Production Labeled Mesa
New production, copying box plate like GE, taken from my Mesa amp when it was new; the supports are cockeyed tilting left, it's hard to see from the angle of the picture but the parts, especially at the top of the tube are also a mess, Wires coming up from the pins are messy and bent. The mica spacers are not parallel, the top one tilts vertically. The mica spacers also have irregular "fingers" so the parts are more likely to rattle against the glass.
The new production tube tends to ring even at low volume and and rattle at high volume as well. The poor assembly quality contributes to this. I find this typical of newer tubes, not the exception.
It's my understanding that this is a Chinese-made tube. The new production Russian and JJ tubes are closer to NOS in terms of evident build quality, though not quite as perfect.
Apologies for the grainy photo.