Modern Eagle

As best I know it was always intended to be a limited time thing. Though when the questions came up about legality of BRW, they stopped production (2007?) to avoid possible legal problems and did not resume until more recently when they had entered into an agreement to complete the line (and use other existing BRW). As I understand it, they demonstrated the wood was obtained legitimately (presumably many years before), but were unable to provide full CITES documentation tracing specific wood from the source to final product. Hence the many different models (not just the ME) with BRW (necks and/or boards) that are marked as being for sale in the USA only on the headstock.
Paul made a comment at one of his meet and greets that the new BRW was coming from tree stumps from already downed trees. Not sure if this included neck blanks or just finger boards or possibly both.
One more question. For custom 24 and custom 22, it says the factory standard fretboard is made with rosewood. When they say this, do they mean indian rosewood?