I'm a Bad Person: I like new PRSi better!

]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;160304 said:
Nothing nefarious. I just preferred the harder poly finish.

Interesting. We all have our favorites.

I like the V12, have no reason to criticize the poly however.

But my new favorite finish is the nitro they're using now. I have no idea what the effect on the tone is, though it might play a role; mainly I like the subtle sheen and feel of it.
PRS couldn't even rope me in until they released the Mira & Starla models, so I'm obviously of the "new=better" camp. The pickups since about 2008 have been especially great, and many of the other design tweaks have been very good - I really like V12, personally.

I think some guys don't like being told that they're buying the latest/greatest/most innovative "ultimate tone machine" only to be told with the next innovation that "now THIS one is the ultimate tone machine!" - PRS market stuff a bit like technology sometimes that way, whereas guitars transcend that... but it is what it is and a nice guitar in right hands will never not be a nice guitar.

What G*bson does is the opposite - every model year they release an "even more authentic" repro of the models they are resting their laurels on...
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I'm with Sergio and some others in that I fell in love with PRS in the early 1990s, my first being my long-lost Cherry Sunburst CU24 with moons. Hell, I don't know if it was even a 10-top or not, not even a pic of her from my college days survived.

I will always associate PRS with the feel of the wide-thin neck, the wings, the rotary, and the squeal of the HFS.

But as I age (albeit NOT like a fine wine) and find myself playing with less gain, I appreciate the clarity and open-ness of the 5x/0x and 408s a bunch. So my heart sides with my 1991 CU24, and the rest of me takes the newer stuff and runs...
I just got the 408 last week (Wide thin, 10 top) and so I've got all 6 of them on the rack, ABing them back and forth. I have to agree, the 91 with the sweet switch engaged thru a Zendrive/Mosferatu combination (very high gain, smooth overdrive) sounds REALLY good. Clean, though, and especially for bluesy neck pickup sounds the 408 just nails it better. I think it's going to be my new favorite!
I like the rotary switch, winged tuners, sweet switches, and the sometimes odd tops & faded finishes of the older CU24s. I don't need innovation when the older ones do exactly what I want them to do. That doesn't make the newer ones bad in any way, just not what I need. The one exception for me is a 07 CU22 but of course there have been a lot of changes since that was built. The nice thing is that there are great options out there for all of us.

I think one huge improvement is the choices you get with the Artist packs. That is fantastic!!!!!