First time buyer


PRS Pulse Artist
PRS Pulse Artist
Oct 3, 2016
Scranton, PA
Hey everyone! I am new to the board and more importantly the world of PRS guitars. I have been a gibson guy my whole life and I've always known about PRS guitars and known several people who own them and sell them, but I never really dabbled in them until recently when I played my guitar teacher's old CE from the 90's and a friends P22.

Now that I am officially in love with the guitars I am in the market for one. I really like the concept of the S2 series and the SE's because I am in college and can't quite drop the amount of money it would take to buy a regular Custom 24.

I was doing some shopping and ran across an SE custom 24 online on Guitar Center's website (not a huge fan of buying from GC but it is what it is i guess) and it looked wayyy different from a run of the mill SE custom 24. It appeared to have a spalted top, body binding etc. and is listed as a CM25 SE custom 24. Can anyone give me information on this and why it's used price is close to a new SE and what makes it above other SE's?

Thanks so much!!
I don't know about that specific model, but GC and other retailers sometimes have special runs done with different woods/colors/pickups/etc. and sometimes that means a higher price.
There was a post a couple of months back from someone looking at a CM25 SE Cu24. It was at a GC in Des Moines, IIRC. I seem to recall that it may have been a 25th Anniversary model? I also seem to remember that the OP in that case passed on it for a newer SE Cu24?
The spalted tops generally cost more, so it isn't too surprising a used one is running closer to new pricing of "non-spalted" models.

I couldn't find in on GC's website, but I didn't scroll through in great detail, or maybe it already sold (to you?).

Got a link? We won't talk price, but at least we can advise on the uniqueness (or not) of the model.