Comparing the NF53 with the Studio


New Member
Jul 19, 2023
Here’s a follow up to my previous incoming NF53 thread: after having several weeks of playing time on the NF53 and opportunities to compare it to the Studio.

These are very different guitars. They are more dissimilar than alike. The NF53 is very light at 7 lbs 2 oz. It has a bright / chimey sound when played acoustically and plugged in. This is probably due to its swamp ash body, bolt on maple neck, and steel bridge with large brass saddles.

The Studio weighs 7 lbs 10 oz. The Studio is a darker sounding guitar with more bass response than the NS53. I think this is probably due to the mahogany body and set mahogany neck.

I originally thought I would be able to describe the tonal differences between the pickups on the NF53 with the pickups on the Studio. I realize now I can just compare / contrast the sounds of the two guitars. I don’t know how much of the difference in tone is due to the pickups, woods used, neck construction, bridge, etc…

I played the neck pickup on the NF53 and Studio back to back through the Real Time Analyzer block of my Axe-FX 3 to compare the frequency response curves. The real time analyzer confirmed what my ears hear. The studio has more output below 200 hz than the NF53. If I cut frequencies at / below 200 hz by 2-3 dB with an equalizer the frequency response of the Studio looked closer to the frequency response of the NF53 and the guitars sounded more similar.

The tone from the NF53 bridge pickup has an aggressive bark to it. It doesn’t sound thin or ice pickey. To my ears the tone from the Studio bridge humbucker has a fuller sound than the NF53. When coil tapped, I think the Studio bridge pickup has a thinner sound than the NF53 bridge pick up. I haven’t compared the frequency response curves for each guitar’s bridge pickup using the real time analyzer yet.

The NF53 has a very simple control layout with a 3 way switch and a single volume and tone control. The Studio has a 5 way switch similar to a Stratocaster and a volume and tone control. The tone control has a pull switch to coil tap the bridge humbucking pickup. There are lots more variations available with the studio.

I really like the neck on the NF53. It’s thicker than the pattern neck on the Studio but still comfortable to play. The NF53 neck feels like a cross between the 594 pattern vintage neck and the DGT neck.

Overall Impressions:

I’m blown away by the NF53. It has a brighter sound than my Studio, DGTs, or 594. I’ve never heard the NF53 sound muddy. I think it compliments my other guitars really well.

Here’s a link to the first recording I made with the NF53. It’s a single track using the neck pickup of the NF53 going into a Fractal FM-9. I didn’t use any EQ but did use a liberal amount of reverb and delay!
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Thanks for the comparison review and your thoughts! An NF 53 is on my GAS list, but my acquisition activity is frozen for now due to other expenses actual or looming.

One day, though, one day...
Sounds wonderful. Nice review and playing on the demo, too.

Definitely way different from PRS' set neck, mahogany/maple offerings. There's more upper mid articulation, the pick attack seems faster than with rosewood fretboards -- exactly as one would expect based on the construction and woods used. The ADSR envelope or a note (attack, decay, sustain, release) is different.

It's also pushing your amp model nicely. Sounds great.

The articulation difference probably wouldn't show very well on a frequency response chart, you need FFT or similar for that.
Great analysis and playing.

Loved the specifics on the difference between the Studio & NF53. That it's 2-3 dB isn't surprising as Leon Todd's Fractal PEQ settings to change 'buckers to single coil sounds were in the 5-6 dB range, although in more bands than yours.
Thanks for the feedback and kind comments!

I’m visiting my son in Colorado. I brought the NF53 with me for him to play. He has a really nice MIM Fender Telecaster. We played the guitars side by side. We heard a lot of 60 cycle hum with his guitar when plugged into an amp. No surprise there. There was none of that with the NF53. We both thought the Tele had a brighter sound than the NF53 - particularly when we compared the neck pickups. My son said he preferred the sound overall of the Tele over the NF53. I liked them both about the same except I didn’t like the hum with the Tele. I definitely prefer the ergonomics and neck of the NF53.
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Here’s a follow up to my previous incoming NF53 thread: after having several weeks of playing time on the NF53 and opportunities to compare it to the Studio.

These are very different guitars. They are more dissimilar than alike. The NF53 is very light at 7 lbs 2 oz. It has a bright / chimey sound when played acoustically and plugged in. This is probably due to its swamp ash body, bolt on maple neck, and steel bridge with large brass saddles.

The Studio weighs 7 lbs 10 oz. The Studio is a darker sounding guitar with more bass response than the NS53. I think this is probably due to the mahogany body and set mahogany neck.

I originally thought I would be able to describe the tonal differences between the pickups on the NF53 with the pickups on the Studio. I realize now I can just compare / contrast the sounds of the two guitars. I don’t know how much of the difference in tone is due to the pickups, woods used, neck construction, bridge, etc…

I played the neck pickup on the NF53 and Studio back to back through the Real Time Analyzer block of my Axe-FX 3 to compare the frequency response curves. The real time analyzer confirmed what my ears hear. The studio has more output below 200 hz than the NF53. If I cut frequencies at / below 200 hz by 2-3 dB with an equalizer the frequency response of the Studio looked closer to the frequency response of the NF53 and the guitars sounded more similar.

The tone from the NF53 bridge pickup has an aggressive bark to it. It doesn’t sound thin or ice pickey. To my ears the tone from the Studio bridge humbucker has a fuller sound than the NF53. When coil tapped, I think the Studio bridge pickup has a thinner sound than the NF53 bridge pick up. I haven’t compared the frequency response curves for each guitar’s bridge pickup using the real time analyzer yet.

The NF53 has a very simple control layout with a 3 way switch and a single volume and tone control. The Studio has a 5 way switch similar to a Stratocaster and a volume and tone control. The tone control has a pull switch to coil tap the bridge humbucking pickup. There are lots more variations available with the studio.

I really like the neck on the NF53. It’s thicker than the pattern neck on the Studio but still comfortable to play. The NF53 neck feels like a cross between the 594 pattern vintage neck and the DGT neck.

Overall Impressions:

I’m blown away by the NF53. It has a brighter sound than my Studio, DGTs, or 594. I’ve never heard the NF53 sound muddy. I think it compliments my other guitars really well.

Here’s a link to the first recording I made with the NF53. It’s a single track using the neck pickup of the NF53 going into a Fractal FM-9. I didn’t use any EQ but did use a liberal amount of reverb and delay!
I heard a guitarist playing a NF53 at Layla's in Nashville a few weeks ago and it sounded great. It looked great with the white doghair finish. The set ended with a cover of "Sky is Crying" by Stevie Ray. What a showcase for a guitar player. We saw 4 PRS guitars being played at the few places we watch the bands. I even saw a Gary Grainger bass!