Better than Money.


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
As a kid in the late 80's I was way into making homemade skate videos with my friends, two VCRS, a Radio Shack mixer, and a 80lb Emerson Camcorder. I would edit the shots together using the pause button and then bounce that down while adding the music we would get pumped up to skate to..lots of Naked Raygun, 7Seconds, Minor Threat, Judge, and CroMags. They were sh!tty videos that nobody else but us would want to watch but we had an ass-ton of fun making them!

I got sent a link to a random video that some guys made of them skating and as what I assume is a tribute to one of their buddies that had died within the last year. I believe this is the second time I've seen a skate video using this song:

I can't tell you how rad the 13 yr old in me thinks this is! F@ck! I guess I'm telling you how rad the thirty...errr.. umm something me thinks this is! They only have like 68 views and it was obviously just made for them to enjoy... I mean it's a ten year old album that sold maybe 2000 copies? of those there's 50 on and 7 from .99 used on Amazon. I'm pretty sure Chocolate Daddy sold more records than us... and that's not even a real band.

Who cares? I'm singing and ripping in some other young dudes home made skate fantasy video! I feel like it's one of those "full-circle" moments and our target audience has finally found us.:laugh:
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