Anyone ever modified their Mira scratch plate?


Perpetual lurker
Apr 27, 2012
Edinburgh, Scotland
I'm thinking of adding in another hole so I can re-wire my Mira with 2 vol and 1 tone DGT style.

Has anyone else done this before?

I might hit PRS up for a slightly modified guard to accommodate the extra pot neatly rather than jam it into current positioning of bits.

Got any ebony lying about guys? ;)
There should be plenty of room in there to accommodate. It looks like one will fit to the left of the current volume pot (sort of (edit) below the bridge pickup) with no extra mods other than drilling a new hole. You could also remove the minitoggle, ream the hole and install a tone pot there with a push/pull for coil splits, and convert the existing tone pot to the 2nd volume control.

I don't know if PRS sells the pickguards separately, but there are a lot of companies out there that make custom pickguards if they don't.

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I think about this a lot, I wonder about getting one mad similar to the S2 with integrated pup rings... but with the neck being routed for a tele pup.
That second idea is where i'm headed John. Kinda anyway.

I'd open up the hole where the toggle is but actually move the toggle up so it sits between the current vol and tone pots and the new pot where the toggle is would be tone. THe back pot would be bridge and current vol would be neck.

I'm comparing the dgt wiring and thinking it's not too different with the blade in there instead of the toggle that I could re-wire no bother.

I'd maybe like to be able to get a spare in case however.... Measure twice cut once might be fine unless you're drilling thin plastic.