se singlecut

  1. G

    PRS SE Singlecut Pickup Rings Replacements

    Hello, I am looking for replacement pickup rings for my SE Singlecut '07. I opened a ticket with PRS last week, still no response. I purchased the PRS branded SE stoptail pickup rings, the bridge is fine, although shallower than the original, but the neck ring has a bow due to the end of the...
  2. Siddiq

    Help with SE singlecut upgrades?

    Hey guys! Sorry if the topic is repetitive. I have perused through the SE mod thread to find some answers but.... Got to thinking after playing my tremonti that my se single cut needs some love and upgrades. Maybe due to me noticing the vast difference in tone. The us guitar just breathes...
  3. Wakester

    Hey bud, can you spare a dime?

    Anyone want to loan me 375 so I can take this off the CL Marketplace? Owner said he bought it new in 2009, played it once, then put it in a closet.