piezo mix/mag

  1. Rocketscientist90

    SE Hollowbody II Piezo: How long should the battery last?

    I got my SE HB II Piezo 3 weeks ago, and put in a fresh Duracell 9V block straight away. I just had to replace it again, as the Mag/piezo output gave no signal whatsover. It seems that the battery is already dead. I will check the output voltage of the removed battery with a multimeter to...
  2. L

    HBII Piezo; no sound from mix/mag jack

    Good afternoon! Been playing PRS for 10+ years now, and love them. I recently traded for an HBII piezo (core), and am getting no sound from my mix/mag jack. The piezo jack works on the piezo and blend positions on the mini toggle. Have trouble shot my rig/cables, etc., and the issue is with...
  3. M

    Piezo sound bleeding into magnetic output

    Using a custom 24 piezo with both output jacks connected. Electro mag output going to a high gain amp, and piezo output going to a fishman combo. With the electro/piezo split switch set to piezo only, I am getting a weak signal/noise coming through the high amp speaker cab when playing. Sound...
  4. A

    Piezo Selection Not Working Hollowbody II (2013)

    Hey everyone, I recently started getting back into guitar and PRS Hollowbody II from 2013 that I love, But I notice an issue the other day that I cannot seem to find a solution for. When I'm plugged into the Mix/Mag audio jack the electric pick up works great, the mixed setting is good, but...
  5. J

    detach piezo

    Since piezo sounds like butt when run through a tube amp and mag pups sound like butt when run through a PA why would I ever use the signal mix out of my P22? What I want to do is separate the 2 signals completely and take the 3 way toggle out of the circuit. Please educate me on why I'm wrong...