When a guitar just "works"...

Jimi D

@ the hundredth meridian
Jun 21, 2013
Prince Edward Island
I've been busy travelling and with family for the past month so I hadn't really had time to get out and play with my mates for a bit... Got out Friday for a long jam at a friend's home studio and it was one of those evenings when everything just came out right... The four of us there have been playing together since we were 16 years old - more than 45 years now - and we walked into that room and plugged in and played anything and everything we ever knew for 5 straight hours... Ramones to Goddo to Bad Company to Tom Petty to Steve Earle to The Dead Boys to The Eagles and Jimi and Bowie and Iggy, we just played, and it was killer... And the thing is, I was playing this new (to me) '97 CE 22 the whole time, and the guitar never missed a beat.


This was my first time out of the house with it, too; in fact, I've hardly had a chance to play it the past four weeks and didn't even change the strings yet. I was running through a JCM800 about half the time and my new Mark V 25 through a Mesa 4x12 cab loaded with EVs & Celestions for the rest. Had a handful of pedals strung out on the floor (comp, od, chorus & delay) that I tweaked to taste the first couple songs and again when changing amps and that was it; everything just worked, and it sounded fantastic! The guitar just fit; me, the music, the mood, it was perfect... spin the selector knob, find the sound, tweak the volume and ride the groove... I guess I've been playing PRS a while now so everything fell under my hands pretty effortlessly, but it really was a special experience, like playing a brand new old friend. I had a great time and the guitar really was a thrill to play throughout... well, until I snapped the high E string wailing out on Voodoo Chile at the end of the night (floating trems *sigh) but that was on me for not changing the strings. Anyway, just wanted to share...
It's been said before, those CE's are great guitars!
They really are. Especially with Dragon 1's and the rotary switch.

With the rotary you get some very good single coil sounds.

Kind of a cross bewteen a Strat and a Les Paul.

I love mine.

But that red one of the OP's is pretty spectacular!

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