What are you guys/girls drooling over online?

This is making the blood flow....


Here's another one that is VERY tempting right now. For whatever reason, this thing has just become one of the HOTTEST guitars for me....


THIS is one I am watching. I am hoping the price drops after a while - I am just being cheap....especially since it's in England.


And, then...this is the one I will most likely get. I HATE these guitars, and never keep them - but they do have a purpose, and right now I need the sound they provide.

Oddly, I feel the need for nothing right now. Seriously, no GAS whatsoever. I'm in a "meh" kind of mood.
On the whole I also have no GAS. It’s a good state to be in!

I feel like I should just enjoy what I already have. My Bernie Marsden is already a piece of art that makes tone art. It’s just awesome.
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Oddly, I feel the need for nothing right now. Seriously, no GAS whatsoever. I'm in a "meh" kind of mood.

WOAH!!!????There has to be a tear in the space time continuum...or....hey, wait a minute!!!! Where is Bodia and what have you done to him? If a single hair on his head...well, if he has one smudge on his head...I'll find you..and use my special set of skills...okay, I have no skills...just return him unharmed or I'm gonna be really mad! Ok?!o_O
Me, too.

But the dude on my right shoulder keeps whispering in my ear:

That guy gets me in trouble...A LOT...he tells me to smoke weed...he's a terrible influence...he says he can't help it, he likes to party (verb)...
I'm lusting after a P22 trem.

Is that so wrong?

If it is, I don't wanna be right...

I'm coveting sooooo many things...if I listed them all I'm afraid it would break the forum...or quite possibly the internet...I have a problem...okay, there I said it...
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Me, too.

But the dude on my right shoulder keeps whispering in my ear:

I saw an error in the picture so I fixed it for you.

I saw an error in the picture so I fixed it for you.


BAHAHAHA! Now my dog and my tablet are drenched in Dr. Pepper, and I think I just peed my pants...scratch that...it has been confirmed...I KNOW I peed my pants... You got me with this one man! Kudos!