Unexpected NGD

That’s dandy! Did you already have a place marker in your head for a new guitar or did it just work it’s way in? Regardless, as an “in the lap in the living room” guitar, a semihollow is #1 to me. Congrats!

I’ve had a couple ideas, but nothing certain. I was leaning towards a DC 594 if I didn’t go PS, but I figured I wouldn’t do anything before Experience, except maybe at this dealer’s March Madness sale. I was also considering another Silver Sky (Dodgem Blue), but converted to floating trem. The Nebula idea almost blew up all those plans. I really wanted to give these a try, and I just lucked into one blowing me away. This is definitely one of those guitars that I wouldn’t have bought as a core model given my uncertainty about it fitting me. Three figures? Okay, I’ll take a whack. It’s the same mindset as my 7-strings - I don’t know that I could justify core money on one, but SE money I can live with.
High five for the Billy and the Boingers. In college for one class we had to form a "group" to work on a problem. And we had to give the group a name. All requirements of the project. My group's name....Deathtongue!
Very cool! Hollowbody feedback is BEST feedback! This is the first real person review of one of these I've seen, and it make me really happy to hear how impressed you are with it. I am definitely a hollow and semi-hollow fan, and have been interested in these.
my god ted nugent was at some point in rush???? they seem like polar opposites to me.

No, that was later. Ted used to live quite close to Canada. It’s little know, but one of his songs was originally written as a tribute to Canada’s health care system, but Derek St. Holmes told Ted if wanted to project this all-American is mage, he couldn’t do that, and that’s why he rewrote the lyrics to “Free For All”.