Small Amp to compliment Custom 24 ?

Hi, the VC15 looks good, I like the newer VC15 as it has 2 channels.

I guess the other part of me that like the Boogie is the ability to go down to 5W....i may be asking too much but i am getting to know what i want.

1 - Valve/tube
2 - has reverb or FX loop
3 - less than 15W and ability to switch to something like 5W.
4 - 2 Channels?
I agree with an earlier post, go for a Bad Cat Mini Cat, it may only be 5 watts but the tone is killer and with my Bad Cat Unleash I get as loud as I want!
Well, I did a big search for a small all-tube amp a few months back for a small room in my house, and settled on the Vox AC4C1, which I really love. I have to keep the volume very low if anyone is home, the thing can get very loud, but even turned down it has really nice warmth and tone. I play a PRS McCarty w/ McCarty pups and find a lot of tone options from clean to classic rock to grunge, and some others. You could go heavy metal if you cared to, though that's not my thing so I don't dial that in. You can pick one up for under $300, so it's great bang for the buck for a small all-tube amp:

Note, there's a very similar model number that is 4 watts but NOT all-tube, make sure you get the right one if you go for it.

If you're talking about playing at home, not professional gigging, I cannot think why you'd want more than this. I'm pretty sure if I wanted to gig with it, I'd be okay in a small bar, pub, lounge.

Here is what I use.. I bet Doug would build you one too..


10 watts, master volume, reverb. EL84s

What is a good amp to match the Custom 24 with 59/09 pickups?

At the moment I just have a Yamaha THR-10, which is a modelling amp. I am thinking getting a tube (valve) amp to go with it. Not sure which one, the only criteria is I prefer to get a small amp as I don't plan to gig with it. Just use it at home. So I am looking at something like the Blackstar 1H-TR or even the Marshall 1W Limited editions?

I am just making a shortlist for demos but not sure what are the better ones out there to make it on the list in the first place, any advice greatly appreciated.

In terms of sound, I like an amp with a nice clean channel, so think Bruce Sprinstein or the Killers kind of sound in Hot Fuss, or even Taylot Swift in some of her tracks.
I didn't know you can ask Doug to build one to order? (I take it Doug works at PRS?)

At the moment I am leaning on Boogie Express 5:25 Plus, it's double my initial budget but I think it would be worth it in the long run. I got a chance to get a TA 15 with a cab for £900 but the lack of FX loop and reverb put me off.
...the lack of FX loop and reverb put me off.
Extraneous features shouldn't keep you from finding the best amp for YOU. In certain amps, an FX loop is way overrated. And a reverb unit is usually the weak link in most amps. You can always buy a great reverb pedal. If the amp responds to you the way you want, buy it. Creature features be damned.

Doug Sewell is the designer of most of these amp designs and the amp department head at PRS. Brilliant, driven, and immensely approachable. A custom amp ain't cheap but it's like having your car designed and built by Ferdinand Porsche himself.
Finding PRS amps (not SE) in England is like trying to locate Big foot, not many places stock them at all. Where Marshalls, VOX are everywhere, understandably so.

There is 1 site in England that I can see a PRS Sweet 16, I have never seen any Custom anywhere.