Sh!t.... I guess I like John Mayer now.


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
its partly the Zuba’s, and the disco ball doesn’t hurt but, I really like that New Light song.

I know how this goes, first it was Justin Timberlake, then Bruno Mars, and now it’s gonna be John Mayer that Imma be listening to... all it takes is one song for me, and I think John nailed it. I hope this is his new direction, because, ya know, I like dancing and disco and sh!t.

Pretty sure most of his guitar fans hate it though, which is usually a good sign.
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its partly the Zuba’s, and the disco ball doesn’t hurt but, I really like that New Light song.

I know how this goes, first it was Justin Timberlake, then Bruno Mars, and now it’s gonna be John Mayer that Imma be listening to... all it takes is one song for me, and I think John nailed it. I hope this is his new direction, because, ya know, I like dancing and disco and sh!t.

Pretty sure most of his guitar fans hate it though, which is usually a good sign.

Bad news for you.....this means you need a Silver Sky
As I said before, play the song and don’t watch the video! The song stands on its own, it doesn’t need visual representation!

If he’d shelled out a million dollars for a fancy directed video, with actresses/actors a lot of people’s opinions would be altered!

It’s all about perception!
Aside from the keyboard track, I think it would fit right in with the Battle Studies album. His early songwriting especially has a great storytelling aspect to it. Mix it with that poppy sound, some tasty and tasteful instrumentation, and slick production. It's a formula that sucks me in every time. I feel like he lost a lot of that quality with Born and Raised, and Paradise Valley, but he started to get his groove back a bit with The Search for Everything.

I've been a fan since '02-'03 or so, when a guitar buddy hipped me to "Neon".

JT and Bruno both have done some great tracks as well.
don’t worry guys, i dislike him enough for all of us. and i say this as a big fan of easy listening in general.
bruno mars tho, he might be the worst thing ever. his little prince act and thd just constant versace, he’s clownin hard.
Although sonically it's a little like elevator muzak to me, but it does remind me that his true talent is singing.
what can i say, he’s not as good as he says he is and i get a real ‘fakin the funk’ vibe off him and his band.

track suits are just sweatsuits for chavs.

How can you say that when we live in a world where Black Eyed Peas hasn’t broken up yet?

Like that’s a bad thing?