PRS SE Models - Do They Have the Same “Essence” As Core Models?

THIS....why couldn't I have said it like this... "you're gonna shoot your eye out" (melt your face...I love it!)
I kinda understand your reply...that's it's not a contest of what is better??...which ought to be obvious. I don't have enough experience playing a top dollar PRS, except in a shop a couple years back and it didn't grab me at the time. Actually most PRS in stores have had rather poor setups with very high action, that it was impossible to really see how they felt....Which is actually was shocking, know how particular PRS is in the makings of their guitars. Also not to mention...I gotta take it on a gig or play it in the studio and see what it does. Sitting in a guitar store only tells me the price. So...I'm a bad judge of how much the differences are, and probably not much in adding to the conversation.

I just got the impression reading the first couple pages, that some think the SE lines can't even compete, but yet I also felt many of these players are the "dentists and lawyers" with their stash of ten core guitars in their basement studio. Besides the touring musicians, they are GENERALLY the only ones that go out and buy a dozen PRS guitars. The music I've heard online from these "dentist players" leaves me scratching my head how they could even tell the difference in the first place.

I just got my first SE24... I think PRS's cheapest guitar...and I was stunned at the quality. I got it used from Dave's in Wisconsin and they must know how to do an initial setup, because this SE is dialed in like a high dollar guitar to me. If Joe Walsh or whoever called me to go on tour with him... I'd take that guitar, if called for. I guess there will be the SE nay-sayers... but my point was it's the player and debating over if they have the same "essence" is kinda crazy. The players I mentioned would blow the socks off most people, using an SE...or a Core...and it wouldn't matter.

I'm continuing to learn more about PRS, as I now own one. But my take is the Cores are more expensive, because you're paying for much higher labor, US made parts that many think are superior to imports, still these days, and much more labor intensive finishes and the better selection of wood...which I think is mainly for the finish final looks, and doesn't do squat for the sound. I've been wrong on lots of things...but it seems like comments were solicited, especially with a zillion page thread.

I read this, and what I come away with is that you have some sort of need to justify an SE. If it’s what you want and enjoy, who cares? They’re not as nice as more expensive PRSs. They’re not supposed to be. Again, should that surprise anyone?

The only SE I have is an Angelus. It’s fine. The electric SEs I’ve picked up don’t do it for me. I’ve stopped picking them up—I’m out of curiosity and know what I enjoy.
I kinda understand your reply...that's it's not a contest of what is better??...which ought to be obvious. I don't have enough experience playing a top dollar PRS, except in a shop a couple years back and it didn't grab me at the time. Actually most PRS in stores have had rather poor setups with very high action, that it was impossible to really see how they felt....Which is actually was shocking, know how particular PRS is in the makings of their guitars. Also not to mention...I gotta take it on a gig or play it in the studio and see what it does. Sitting in a guitar store only tells me the price. So...I'm a bad judge of how much the differences are, and probably not much in adding to the conversation.

I just got the impression reading the first couple pages, that some think the SE lines can't even compete, but yet I also felt many of these players are the "dentists and lawyers" with their stash of ten core guitars in their basement studio. Besides the touring musicians, they are GENERALLY the only ones that go out and buy a dozen PRS guitars. The music I've heard online from these "dentist players" leaves me scratching my head how they could even tell the difference in the first place.

I just got my first SE24... I think PRS's cheapest guitar...and I was stunned at the quality. I got it used from Dave's in Wisconsin and they must know how to do an initial setup, because this SE is dialed in like a high dollar guitar to me. If Joe Walsh or whoever called me to go on tour with him... I'd take that guitar, if called for. I guess there will be the SE nay-sayers... but my point was it's the player and debating over if they have the same "essence" is kinda crazy. The players I mentioned would blow the socks off most people, using an SE...or a Core...and it wouldn't matter.

I'm continuing to learn more about PRS, as I now own one. But my take is the Cores are more expensive, because you're paying for much higher labor, US made parts that many think are superior to imports, still these days, and much more labor intensive finishes and the better selection of wood...which I think is mainly for the finish final looks, and doesn't do squat for the sound. I've been wrong on lots of things...but it seems like comments were solicited, especially with a zillion page thread.
I can't bring myself to read the entire thread again.. It was enough the first time, but it keeps giving like an STD. :D

I can speak to being around here for several years. The 90th percentile of us think very highly of the se line. Many of us come here by way of the gateway drug, se. Some of us stay there and others go full on junkie and about every where in between. There's very few that don't like the se line. I used to be a diehard se line supporter, and didn't understand the s2 line. I thought never a core for me. I now have some of 'em all, and appreciate every one of them for what they are and bring, as they kick other guitars out of my arsenal and rotation.

The old internet stereotypes just aren't true. A poll showed engineer was the highest profession. Many of us are or were in the music industry with a good portion us just being people that like to play the guitar. Lately with the se sale it seems there's an larger influx of new users only armed with the knowledge read.. Dentist and lawyers, collectors, and core money is for collectors not players. That view changes with time. It's a cool place and there's a lot offer. Something for everyone.

i mentioned this is another thread.. bang up job starting out right at Dave's with an excellent choice in the se standard24! Looking forward to seeing your next! :p
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I read this, and what I come away with is that you have some sort of need to justify an SE. If it’s what you want and enjoy, who cares? They’re not as nice as more expensive PRSs. They’re not supposed to be. Again, should that surprise anyone?

The only SE I have is an Angelus. It’s fine. The electric SEs I’ve picked up don’t do it for me. I’ve stopped picking them up—I’m out of curiosity and know what I enjoy.
No justification of my instruments, except I will say I made a good purchase. In all bluntness, I read your reply and come away with that you've now turned your nose up at the lower priced lines and if we're a schmuck that enjoys student edition guitars, than more power to us....but you've graduated into nicer guitars and now that you *know*, there's no reason to pick up an SE line guitar ever again at this point... you wouldn't enjoy {the implied] inferiority of the SE line and playing a student guitar. It's too bad that SE are the initials for what it stands for, as I think PRS did a disservice to themselves with that choice. Probably thought the SE ommision would hurt the sales of the S2 line and the Cores. That's just a guess though.

I think SinSir had a great response and explained things well. (he's probably not a dentist either!! LOL)
No justification of my instruments, except I will say I made a good purchase. In all bluntness, I read your reply and come away with that you've now turned your nose up at the lower priced lines and if we're a schmuck that enjoys student edition guitars, than more power to us....but you've graduated into nicer guitars and now that you *know*, there's no reason to pick up an SE line guitar ever again at this point... you wouldn't enjoy {the implied] inferiority of the SE line and playing a student guitar. It's too bad that SE are the initials for what it stands for, as I think PRS did a disservice to themselves with that choice. Probably thought the SE ommision would hurt the sales of the S2 line and the Cores. That's just a guess though.

I think SinSir had a great response and explained things well. (he's probably not a dentist either!! LOL)

I've realistically got room for and can enjoy about 10 guitars. Any more, and I'm just not using things. I'm basically in a one in, one out situation. Why would I "waste" a spot on what I think of as an inferior guitar? That's pointless. Yes, maybe there's an SE that had the trees it was made from next to a stream of magical water and it happened to be built on a day that the Indonesian factory workers were particularly happy-yet-focused, and it's the best guitar in the world. I'm not opposed to that idea, but I'm not going to invest any time in it.

SEs are what they are: Mass-produced, license-made, down-market knock-offs of what gets made in Maryland. That doesn't mean that they're bad instruments. All it means is that PRS wanted the profits from selling import guitars that trade on the PRS name and reputation. There's nothing wrong with owning one--I own one.
you so know those Indonesian workers are happy and focused all the time, don't ya? LOL

I get your point...and no I'm not a SE fanboy. I guess I sound like it with my first PRS purchase. But it did make me set my Strat down with the Super Vee trem and locking nut. I think its' trees had roots in magical waters... that toxic, California water!

Thanks ;-)

(my wife doesn't like all the flame tops though...she thinks they look like wrinkled shirts! )
you wouldn't enjoy {the implied] inferiority of the SE line and playing a student guitar. It's too bad that SE are the initials for what it stands for, as I think PRS did a disservice to themselves with that choice. Probably thought the SE ommision would hurt the sales of the S2 line and the Cores. That's just a guess though.

I think SinSir had a great response and explained things well. (he's probably not a dentist either!! LOL)

The se started with Carlos Santana. He wanted to bring a solid instrument to all. Personally I've never minded the student edition moniker. Aren't we all a student?


I just moved and could use a new dentist.. you think I'll find one on here? :p
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From what I read and see in other places, many, many people believe that no PRS guitar has any essence, so we may be all playing lifeless overpriced and overrated guitars.

And many on here want to add to that perceived point of view. This forum should be about helping players with their gear, or people wanting to buy one. It actually makes me think I will not be buying any more PRS guitars ( as amazing as they are) We will have to see with that, however I initially thought that this forum was a little different with decent people looking out for each other and wanting to share their passion. Every morning lately while checking my phone I have all these posts with people posting that SE guitars are not real, etc etc. Life is too short to be dealing with elitist BS.
You know what, I bought 2 SE PRS guitars from my PRS dealer here in Australia. . I registered them on the PRS website with the good people of PRS USA. I also received a welcome pack from the PRS distributor for buying one of there finely crafted products, comprising of a PRS strap, tuner, guitar lead, strings and picks.
Please tell me if I am mistaken, and I have been scammed and actually sold products that are not made by PRS however some far off make shift factory down a dark alley that makes knock off products, and then puts a sticker on the headstock.

I think it is highly likely the SE line is absolutely essential to the business model of staying in business and being profitable. I would venture to say that without the SE line you might not have a USA PRS factory, or at the very least not in the form that it is now.

No one cares whether you paid an enormous amount of money for your guitars ( In guitar terms) - We have all bought expensive products and then tried to justify that we have done a wise thing, by taking a superior attitude to less expensive products that do the same thing.

A core PRS is $6,000+ in Australia. Not a lot of money I know, however much more than some other guitars. As I said I may buy some, however am feeling less likely too the longer, and more I learn about the brand.

Guitars remind me of boat owners, there is always someone with a bigger, better and more expensive one than yours.

Great guitars.............................................................Some really helpful decent people on here with some sound logical thinking. A few others, not so much.

Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic 2024, and enjoy your instruments.
I always associated him with a Gibson L6S...the Gibson no one else likes.

Oh man, on one of the best PRS there are.. The Santana. Check one out if you ever get a chance. There's been multiple versions over the years.

My KL33 is an all Korina guitar based on it. Killer guitar that I'll never sell. Played it today and it's a guitar I'll never sell.

Ha...gimme that Epi SG vibrola in the background. I'm of a belief those can make the actual 60s versions whimper a bit. BTW...I own a heavily modded L6S from the crazy 1980's upgrade phase, with all that coil tapping crazyness and *upgraded* actual Lawrence pups.... and that Epi too! Lol
Love me some Epi. ;-)
Ha...gimme that Epi SG vibrola in the background. I'm of a belief those can make the actual 60s versions whimper a bit. BTW...I own a heavily modded L6S from the crazy 1980's upgrade phase, with all that coil tapping crazyness and *upgraded* actual Lawrence pups.... and that Epi too! Lol
Love me some Epi. ;-)
Good eye! I went through a big SG phase and it's the one that's left. It's made by Epi custom shop long before everyone knew they had such a thing, killer fit and finish with stock USA electronics and all. SG was my dream guitar as a kid.

Edit- Cool on the L6S.. bonus, crazy 80s upgrades. That can get interesting.
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Wait a sec.....SE stands for Special Edition. Whats all this "student" stuff? The PRS Special Edition are way to upscale for students. The "student" stuff comes in a starter pack with a chintzy amp, cord, n such.
Wait a sec.....SE stands for Special Edition. Whats all this "student" stuff? The PRS Special Edition are way to upscale for students. The "student" stuff comes in a starter pack with a chintzy amp, cord, n such.
Student Edition. Why are people so hung up with this lately?
Stoopid Eediot!

Seriously though, this thread is kind of ridiculous. At the risk of getting bogged down in the semantics of this conversation, since the OP mentioned “essence” (not whether the SE line is a PRS guitar or not - it is - it says so on the headstock), I’ll relate it to a food analogy… Vanilla Essence, versus Imitation Vanilla Essence (the stuff that costs about a quarter of the “real” vanilla essence.) We all love a delicious cookie where vanilla essence is part of the recipe. Bet none of us could tell the difference in the finished product if real or imitation vanilla was used - we just love the cookie (and will eat a few more.) One baker might think “I’d never use the imitation stuff”, but none of us care - we still want more of those cookies!

Relating this to my own experiences… Over the years I’ve owned 2 SEs, bought a few Cores, and then a couple more SEs. The bottom line… I make music that I enjoy, regardless of which guitar I’m playing at the time. Ok, dumb analogy, but hopefully you get my point.