OK...so I played out


Award winning tattoo artist ... Amateur guitarist
Nov 5, 2018
...but....I didn't get to play my PRS fiddles. I had to sell them to take care of some financial hardship. I really wanted to play one, but I ended up playing my Schecter semi hollow. So, I am including a pic of the new PRS that I just bought in hopes that the mods don't pull this post for being off topic. Anyway. This is a cover of Space Cowboy by Kasey Musgraves that we did between Christmas songs for the Christmas Village gig in Center City Philadelphia. By far the biggest crowd I have played for up to this point. (I am the black guy in the cowboy hat if you guys aren't familiar with me) ... lol

And a pic to stay on PRS topic of my fiddle that is being shipped as we speak. IN HOPES THAT THIS POST DOESN'T GET PULLED.

A pic someone took from that gig that I though looked cool....But I do feel kinda like a traitor not having my CU22 for this gig.

I think the coolest thing about this picture is the soundboard guy's head popping through the zipper in the plastic running the mixer for the PA....lol

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